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How to represent time on x axis in dates

Hi everyone.

I have the following data inserted in excel (this is one data out of many others not represented here, with different usernames and programs).

Basically this data represents the amount of time per work day (columns [Time decimal/7,5hours of work] and [Date]) the user (column [Username]) spent using the program (column [program]). The orange line represents the average time spent.

Qlik Sense 1.png

I would like to do this same graphic on Qlik Sense and I have tried to do so:Qlik Sense 2.png

 I'm not having much luck as Qlik Sense interpreted the Date field completely wrong... You can notice that on 2 November 2018 02/11/2018 the user did not use the program, however, Qlik Sense filled this date with almost 0,5 decimal time when it should be 0... Because of that, the average is also wrong.


How can I get this right? I tried changing the fields many times but it still doesn't work. The problem lies first with the Date being interpreted completely wrong.

Qlik Sense 3.png

 Any help would be appreatiated!

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23 Replies

Should I unlock the AutoGenerated section?

I decided to merge all files so now I only have three, but I think this could be an issue later on, because atm I only have 4 users, but later on I will have 100+. (Although I should start thinking and researching on a solution to merge all 100+ .txt files automatically).

All three tables are loaded:

Qlik Sense 22.png


Qlik Sense 23.png




I just corrected the Data1 File and now the date is in the correct format: DD/MM/YYYY. I edited this directly in the .txt and in the future new data to this .txt will already be in this format. (I prefer to have it correct form the starting point of its generation than to edit it later on Qlik Sense).


Now I only have one problem: The first graphic is not correct because it was meant to show an extra yellow bar on pedro.ferreira because he uses 2 programs.Qlik Sense 24.png


The good news is that all the other graphics are correct now.


Nevermind I found it!!! It's so small I could not see it! It's just 8  = Count(Comando)Qlik Sense 25.png

 I would like to thank everyone who helped me figure this one out.

Thank you @JordyWegman and @pradosh_thakur

 It seems like the best solution to my problem was really to merge all .txt files so that I would only have 3(Data1, Data2, and Data3).

Master II
Master II

Great that you and @JordyWegman got the solution at last .
Learning never stops.
Partner - Master
Partner - Master

Nice work Ritaaguiar!

Work smarter, not harder