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Hi Friends,
How to use AND condition and OR condition inn qliksense set analysis
for example:
I have below requirement.
I need to show count of Employee ID's where
I have to write a condition in set analysis by satisfying all these conditions. I am writing below condition but im not getting exact result
= Count({<Emp.Dept = {YTC}, Emp.Loc = {'Florida'}>+ <Emp.Accttype = {'Acceptable'}, Emp.SalaryType = {'Savings'}, Emp.Jobtype = {'Permenant'}> }Emp.ID)
Can some one please help me to fix this Issue
its looks correct only..
did you miss single quotes for YTC?
= Count({<Emp.Dept = {'YTC'}, Emp.Loc = {'Florida'}>+ <Emp.Accttype = {'Acceptable'}, Emp.SalaryType = {'Savings'}, Emp.Jobtype = {'Permenant'}> }Emp.ID)
Thank you Chanty for response on this. No I am not missing any quotes
looks like expression is correct. what is your expected count? and how much you are getting?
can you attach sample?
or try like below.
remove all conditions just use count( distinct id) and add all others filters in filterpane and select one by one and see the result.
add one by one condition and check where exactly its going wrong.