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Not sure why this following expression doesn't work:
If the Social-Mo field equals or is between 4 and 5, then multiple the sum of the Social-Mo field by 2,340,000. Can you let me know where I went wrong with this?
Also, ideally I would want it to be EITHER 4 or 5 but not sure what expression to use since OR is not valid. Thanks!
Try like this
Sum({<[Social-Mo]={'>=4<=5'}>}[Social-Mo]) * 2340000
Hi Jagan,
Appreciate the help! It's very close. My mistake however, I mean to say "If the Sum of the Social-Mo field equals or is between 4 and 5, then multiple the sum of the Social-Mo field by 2,340,000"
if(sum([Social-Mo])>=4 and sum([Social-Mo])<=5,
Hi Jason,
Can I suggest you try this expression
Sum(If([Social-Mo]>=4 AND [Social-Mo] <= 5,2340000*[Social-Mo],0))
I will also say don't use SUM when multiplying Social-Mo just leave it blank
Hope this helps
Best Regards,
Hi Jason,
Where you are using this expression? Are you using this in chart? If yes then use below expression
If(Sum([Social-Mo]) >=4 and Sum([Social-Mo]) <=5, Sum([Social-Mo])* 2340000)
If you are using this in text object then try using Aggr()
=Sum(Aggr(If(Sum([Social-Mo]) >=4 and Sum([Social-Mo]) <=5, Sum([Social-Mo])* 2340000), SomeDimension1, SomeDimension2,...........SomeDimensionN))
Hope this helps you.