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Importing Excel Data into a Table Chart

Hi Everyone,

I am creating a dashboard for management and one of the requirements is that the raw data needs to be accessible.  I am planing on creating a sheet in my Qlik App that has the raw data, and linking certain visualizations to it.  Since the data is already loaded in Qlik I tried to recreate the spreadsheet manually by creating a Table chart and adding all of the columns.  The issue with that is that there is a limit to how many columns can be displayed and horizontal scrolling is nonexistent.  Is there a way to insert the Excel spreadsheet directly into a table and have all of the columns visible, including a horizontal scroll bar?  I am using Qlik Sense 3.2 SR2.

4 Replies

I am not aware of a limit.  But there certainly could be.  As you add more columns they will resize automatically to fit the resolution.  So too many columns will begin to squeeze down in size.  But there should be a scroll bar when that happens.

How many columns do you have?

I don't believe there is a way to just display the spreadsheet.

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Hi Mark,

The spreadsheet I'm using has 28 columns.QlikTableError.png

As you can see, at some point it stops presenting columns.  In addition, you can't read the column headers.  I know I can adjust the size of the column headers, but my biggest problem is being able to properly display all of the data.

Specialist III
Specialist III

No offense, but this doesn't pass the smell test.  If someone demanded source data, I would just give them read-only access to a share of the Repository where the Excel file is loaded, and then let them do as they please.  Sounds like someone doesn't want to let go of Excel.

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Hi Mark,

I agree.  Unfortunately some people are simply set in their ways.  I will go with your suggestion.
