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Launch a Story

I am documenting a Sense app using the Story telling feature.

By linking the Chart into the story I can guide the user through the available features, filters, dimensions etc.

with specific reference to the chart, and the values that the user has to hand

Ideally I would like to include a help icon (KPI) in the app which would launch the story specific to the app, because this seems more intuitive than the Story tab

Am I dreaming?


Rgds Greg

5 Replies

I couldn't see such, but if you can create text and Image object. Then try to open storytelling now. And see how browser link looks. If browser changed to other link that sounds to call using hyperlink. Does it make sense.. make sure, this workaround won't work desktop version.
Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful

Hi Loveisfail,
Thank you for your quick reply.
Unfortunately if I use the URL it just takes me to the app overview, not the actual story.
I will work around this by adding instructions to use the Story tab itself.
Regards Greg

From Qlik Sense November 2018, Dashboard bundle visualization extensions are included as an option in the install.

This includes a navigation button that you can use to open a story.


@GregDavis I wonder, Why this behave like that. But, I just go back and see how functionality works.. Looks like Story board will generate one link while creating the story. So, I am able to accessing via Link. Aren't you?

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful

Thank You for your reply.

It is appropriate that  I am using the "New to Qlik Sense" profile!

I should have mentioned in my question that I am using Qlik Sense Cloud.

When I go to Custom Objects the cupboard is bare.

This looks like the perfect answer otherwise, my apologies for not being more precise with my request.


Regards Greg