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Hello i have excel document that is source of data for me but i have problem that qlik does not see all the data because of text in source document
Value 1 | Value 2 | Value 3 |
1 | 10 | 100 |
2 | 20 | 200 |
3 | 30 | 300 |
Value 1 | Value 2 | Value 3 |
4 | 40 | 400 |
5 | 50 | 500 |
6 | 60 | 600 |
The qlik can see only the green values and do not see the data under the second value header. Is there a way how to load the data without the second header line in load script ? Some fuction to ignore the row in data load script or something.
Thanks in advance
Not sure what are your looking for but try below
Load *,if(isnum(Column1)=0 or isnum(Column2)=0,'String','Num') as Flag from tableName;
Load * from Temp
where Flag='Num'
drop table Temp;
Logic is like
1: load all data from sheet flag on the basis of data in column
2: Filter out data from table created in 1 st step load only num data.
You can modify logic as per your requirement.
Are you looking for this in Qlikview
Go to Edit Script >>Load that Excel >> Enable Transformation Step >>Select row which you don't want >> Delete Marked >>Next > finish.
Hi Adam,
If its in QlikSense, QlikSense picks complete data including second header as you have mentioned.
It considers all rows as data only. During load you can exclude it in where clause.
Not sure what are your looking for but try below
Load *,if(isnum(Column1)=0 or isnum(Column2)=0,'String','Num') as Flag from tableName;
Load * from Temp
where Flag='Num'
drop table Temp;
Logic is like
1: load all data from sheet flag on the basis of data in column
2: Filter out data from table created in 1 st step load only num data.
You can modify logic as per your requirement.
I am sure you will know the where clause. I checked it in QlikSense Desktop. Please check below.
Thank you very much, as you said I used Where clause with IsNum() funciton and it worked.
Nice solution