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One App Distribution into Multiple Apps

Hi Techies,

I have a use case where my base application i.e. SalesDashboard  has large set of records(for10 Regions data) which has low performance with N printing reports distribution.

I want to create 10 new apps each for one region and contain data only for corresponding region so now I will have 11 apps, one is SalesDashboard(Base app)  and SalesDashboard (Region1), SalesDashboard (Region2).....SalesDashboard (10)  and I will make 10 N printing connection with each application for specific region and distribute the reports.For how it will help me, for distribution report by N printing for one region I do not need to fetch data from base application which has all the records.

I can do this by duplicate the base app to 10 news apps and put filter as Region='Region1' but this will be very old fashioned or I can say manual approach.

What solution I am looking, I reload by base app SalesDashboard  then automatically(QMC or any how) reloads 10 applications for each region.

Can you please help me what is the best way to do it.



23 Replies

Hi Rohit

I normally use the following structure when designing apps for our customers:

  • App to retrieve data
  • App to transform data
  • Final app(s)

This allows me to do a more efficient load in every final application where I can limit the load of my qvd's (from the transform data app) and thus only end up with the data needed in each application.

When basically needing 10 versions of the same app, but with a different value in the same filter, it's going to be a bit of manual work to copy-edit the application 10 times, but once it is set up, you can easily let them reload through tasks and let each app follow the other when loading.


Thanks Tim for your input. So as per your input if I have 10 final apps with a different value in same filter, I need to restrict data at backed or script of same filter.

Is there any extension which work functionally like base or transform app reloads and then send different value data to 10 or n apps i.e 10 apps will be linked to transform app?


Overly simplified it would be something like:




From TransformedData.qvd

Where Region=Region1


This should be done in the back-end of each final app.

The structure always works with a store of data in between, like this:

  1. Load the data from your sources
  2. Store the data as qvd
  3. Load the data from the qvd
  4. Transform the data
  5. Store the data as qvd (Don't overwrite the previous qvd
  6. Load the transformed data from qvd in Final app, with filter

There is no need for any link between the final app and the transform app, as you reload from the qvd files.

It can easily be done when working with reload tasks:

  1. Reload data load app
  2. Reload transform app
  3. Reload FinalRegion1
  4. Reload FinalRegion 2
  5. ...

Data Load app starts at a certain point, Transform app starts when Data Load is finished, FinalRegion1 starts when Transform app is finished, FinalRegion2 starts as FinalRegion1 is finished and so on.

You could let all the FinalRegion app start reloading when the Transform app is finished, but I tend to let every app reload in succession when it doesn't take hours to reload them.


Thanks Tim for your input. No doubt its a nice idea. My last question, Do you think, App on demand concept can suit this use case ?


You're welcome Rohit.

And can't answer that, sorry. I haven't worked with App on Demand at all, so can't say if this would be a good use case or not for it.


Thanks Tim for your input. Can you please refer this ticket to someone who can help us to know APP ON DEMAND suits this use case or not ?

If App On demand can satisfy this use case, then sure I will go with it. I tried to use app on demand but I found new app will generate by App on demand on certain records not any dimension value, this is my testimony, I need someone who can verify it.

Thanks in advance!



Hi Rohit

I'm just another user on the community here, so I sadly don't know anyone who could help you with your question about App on Demand, sorry.

Perhaps mto‌ or mbaeyens‌ could help you further.


Tim P.


mto‌ hey Mike, I hope you are doing good. I am assessing App on demand for my use case but not sure it suits my use case of not, Can you please have a look once and help me to know that app on demand in Qlik sense is best fit to my use case ?




Hi Guys - thanks for tagging me - this seems like a Job for ODAG! On Demand App Generation - it is a feature of Qlik Sense.

Let me know if you would like more information. However this process is more manual with Qlik Sense - meaning you can select the REGION and it will automatically create the app for the selected value. it is typically used in Big Data type scenarios - but might help in this case:

Take a look at this stuff and let me know:

Qlik and Big Data: On Demand App Generation - YouTube

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Mike Tarallo