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One App Distribution into Multiple Apps

Hi Techies,

I have a use case where my base application i.e. SalesDashboard  has large set of records(for10 Regions data) which has low performance with N printing reports distribution.

I want to create 10 new apps each for one region and contain data only for corresponding region so now I will have 11 apps, one is SalesDashboard(Base app)  and SalesDashboard (Region1), SalesDashboard (Region2).....SalesDashboard (10)  and I will make 10 N printing connection with each application for specific region and distribute the reports.For how it will help me, for distribution report by N printing for one region I do not need to fetch data from base application which has all the records.

I can do this by duplicate the base app to 10 news apps and put filter as Region='Region1' but this will be very old fashioned or I can say manual approach.

What solution I am looking, I reload by base app SalesDashboard  then automatically(QMC or any how) reloads 10 applications for each region.

Can you please help me what is the best way to do it.



23 Replies

Thanks Michael for your input. I tried to use ODAG but what I found, clicking on any value from filter is not enough to generate new app or load DETAIL app. There is a records limit we need to define in ODAG settings, when limit of records will be meet then only new app would be generate. (There is a button down there which enable when record limit get meet)

I need a solution where I click on any value from any dimension in SELECT app(The app which has all records), lets say Region1 from Region filter then it would create new app rather than defining any limit of records to generate new app. Just imagine if I set limit 10000 then I select one value from Region filter, so it will create new app only when SELECT app has filtered records to 10000 max which is kind of hard coded things.

Actually I am looking for ODAG scope, where it suits best and does it suits to my use case or not.

Again, I would have two apps, SELECT and DETAIL, I want to select one value i.e. REGION1 from REGION filter from SELECT app and DETAIL app will be created or reloaded with all records associate to REGION1 value.

I hope I explained my use care better.

please add your inputs, your every statement is worth.




Thanks Michael for your input. I tried to use ODAG but what I found, clicking on any value from filter is not enough to generate new app or load DETAIL app. There is a records limit we need to define in ODAG settings, when limit of records will be meet then only new app would be generate. (There is a button down there which enable when record limit get meet)

I need a solution where I click on any value from any dimension in SELECT app(The app which has all records), lets say Region1 from Region filter then it would create new app rather than defining any limit of records to generate new app. Just imagine if I set limit 10000 then I select one value from Region filter, so it will create new app only when SELECT app has filtered records to 10000 max which is kind of hard coded things.

Actually I am looking for ODAG scope, where it suits best and does it suits to my use case or not.

Again, I would have two apps, SELECT and DETAIL, I want to select one value i.e. REGION1 from REGION filter from SELECT app and DETAIL app will be created or reloaded with all records associate to REGION1 value.

I hope I explained my use care better.

please add your inputs, your every statement is worth.




Hey Mike,

As what I said, same has been mentioned on help page, there is a limit we need to defined as hard code unless records are more than that, app on demand can't generate.


I am looking for a solution where no limit of records are there.

Can you please find me such solution ?




Ah I missed that Rohit - I apologize - I have sent your message to our products team, I hope to hear something shortly. They may perhaps also reply directly to this discussion thread. If you do not hear anything in 24 hours please let me know. Also - our fine Qlik Community may also jump in as well!


Mike T


Mike Tarallo


The maximum count is there to act as a safety catch to prevent users generating huge applcations with 100 millions of rows if the source system contains that.  How big are the apps? you mention 10,000 rows so all apps will generate as long as they contain less than 10,000 rows




Thanks Ian for your input. My concern is not the records number. My use case says that If I select one value from filter on Select app the detail app will be generated with all the records(no limit or no hard code value). Lets say I have 10 regions in Region filter so I wana 10 new apps for each value of Region filter. I donot wana any record limit or filtration. My objective of this ticket is to check does ODAG suits my use case or not ?

Thanks in advance Ian,




reloading an ODAG app will only produce one application not burst for 10 apps,to do that would need to use a custom solution via the API's., to remove any limit to generate that single app you could just have a max record count above the potential size of the underlying data source


Ian, you are right,

Here one thing I need to clear, suppose today my data source has 100 records total for 10 regions. I have filter which has 10 values Region1, Region2...Region10.

If I set max records,1.png

lets say today, top limit is 100 records in my source data ,so I would set it to 100. so I can generate 10 apps for each value(Region) of my filter, here i assume my each filter value has Region1..Region10 has 10 records. Now my only question is,

lets say I select Region1 from Region filter ,which has 10 records out of 100 and detail app(ODAG for Region1) will be generated with 10 records for Region1, Tomorrow, when my source data will be updated where Region1 will have 15 records then. on refresh the detail app(ODAG for Region1) from Selection app, does this detail app(ODAG for Region1) will have 15 new records belong to Region1 or it will be static to 10 records which was there on the time of creation of detail app(ODAG for Region1) ?????

Second question: Can we reload the ODAG application reloads automatically, I mean, can create task to automate the reloads ?




Every time you regenerate the detail app it will extract the data from source, assuming you are just selecting records from a table which has been updated it will pull all of the records which exist in your example 15.  ODAG is user generated, automation would be a custom API project