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Contributor III
Contributor III

Pareto with 2 dimensions

Hi all!

I'm trying to create a Pareto chart with two dimensions using set analysis but the visualization is not working with the essential filter, when I use it, the pareto don't move to due 'yes' or 'no',  my table is working and my Pareto% as master item too, but not the set analysis in the pareto chart, even, I can't personalized the colors at the end...

Set analysis to Due 'No': count({<[Due]={'No'}>}distinct([Reqs]))
Set analysis to Due 'Yes': count({<[Due]={'Yes'}>}distinct([Reqs]))
To create the Pareto% as master item:  RangeSum(Above(Count(distinct([Reqs]))/Count(total distinct([Reqs])),0,RowNo()))


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