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Creator III
Creator III

Presenting Data in Table

I want to display below table into this format, without using CrossTable as it may effect other data.


Name Category Address Code Details
ABC First 1234 ABC 898989 QWERTY



Name ABC
Category First
Address 1234 ABC
Code 898989
Details QWERTY



Thanks & Regards,
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Labels (4)
6 Replies
Specialist II
Specialist II

So... the data on your dataset are structured as this:

Name Category Address Code Details
ABC First 1234 ABC 898989 QWERTY


And without changing the dataset structure you want to visualize in your straight table this:

Name ABC
Category First
Address 1234 ABC
Code 898989
Details QWERTY




Michele De Nardi
If a post helps to resolve your issue, please accept it as a Solution.
Creator III
Creator III



Thanks & Regards,
Please Accepts as Solution if it solves your query.
Champion III
Champion III

As Below;



LOAD * Inline [
ABC,First,1234 ABC,898989,QWERTY
DEF,Second,5678 DEF,121212,XYXYXY


Use a Pivot Table:

Row Dimension



Column Dimension = [Name]  <<-- or any other ID field that identifies each row uniquely





Sorting: By Expression = ValueList('Name','Category','Address','Code','Details')

///   on Valuelist dimension




Vineeth Pujari
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Creator III
Creator III

Hi, How can I make it work if one field has more than one value, in that case it is showing null in pivot table but showing values in straight table.

Thanks & Regards,
Please Accepts as Solution if it solves your query.
Champion III
Champion III

Use concat() 


if(ValueList('Name','Category','Address','Code','Details')='Category',concat(distinct Category,',')


Also , kindly close the thread by accepting a response as a solution 

Vineeth Pujari
If a post helps to resolve your issue, please accept it as a Solution.
Contributor III
Contributor III

@vinieme12 Thank you for the solutions you have provided above. I am also trying to create something similar without having to use CrossTable.

If I want to create 2 value columns (unrelated) instead of one, can this be done by extending your above logic?

For instance I am trying to achieve the following output where each numeric value is a different column in my dataset and the table at any given time represents a particular company which the user can select from a filter.  


  cash original cash new debt original debt new ebitda original  ebitda new
Company 1 100 200 50 120 30 190
Company 2 200 400 100 240 60 380
Company 3 400 800 200 480 120 760


Desired Output for one company:

  Original value New value
Cash 100 200
Debt 50 120
Ebidta 30 190


By using your suggestion above, I was able to get the labels and one of the columns. How do I go about getting the second column as well to the right?

Attached is the sample dataset for reference.
