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Contributor III
Contributor III

QS : Legend disappears when setting color code by expression

I want to set the colors of the measures in Qlik Sense bar chart to specific color codes.

I noticed that when selecting 'The expression is a color code' - in section Appearance => Colors and legend - the legend disappears.

Any suggestions how I can achieve

- applying specific colors to measures

- enabling legend

24 Replies
Contributor III
Contributor III

When using QlikSense, and adjusting the Color by expression to present a color gradient better for colorblindness this option to add a legend goes away.

Creator II
Creator II

It appears this issue is still there SEVEN years after it was identified. My employer has committed to developing a new suite of QS apps on the back of being sold that QlikSense is 'modern', 'adaptable', 'with a slick presentation'. 

So why after so many years and so many updates does the flaming legend disappear when you specify the colours by expression?!?


Contributor III
Contributor III

Please let us know if this will ever be addressed. The only workaround I have found is to create a legend using a text box,  but it does not look great aesthetically.

Creator II
Creator II

I did find this (not my own solution). It works, although it didn't quite fit my drill down chart (as QlikSense doesn't allow the use of custom dimension in either a drill down custom dimension or an expression so I'm looking at splitting the view into two charts rather than one.






 Contributor III


If you create a master dimension you can set the color values

Then Set by Dimension using your master dimension and voila









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