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Hi, I would like to ask how can I generate the "Div." and "Div. (%)" based on "Quarter 1"?
Year | Quarter 1 | Div. | Div. (%) |
2012 | 100.00 | - | 0.0% |
2013 | 200.00 | 100.00 | 100.0% |
2014 | 175.00 | - 25.00 | -12.5% |
2015 | 225.00 | 50.00 | 28.6% |
2016 | 250.00 | 25.00 | 11.1% |
Div: Sum(Field) - Above(Sum(Field), 1, 1)
Div (%): (Sum(Field) - Above(Sum(Field), 1, 1)) / Above(Sum(Field), 1, 1))
There are many options to compare the sales of this year to last year. For example, you could use a table with the following:
Dimension: any sales related (product, department, sales employees, etc.)
Measures: Total Sales LY, Sales LYTD, Sales YTD, Difference YTD-LYTD, Grow percentage (LYTD-YTD)/LYTD, etc.
Line chart:
X-axis dimension: time related such as month, quarter, week.
Measures: sum of sales of last year (red) and the sum of sales this year (blue).
Bar chart:
Dimension: any sales related dimension (product category, etc.)
Measures: sum sales LYTD (red) and sum sales (YTD) blue.
I hope this gives you some inspiration.
Hi TimvB, sorry maybe my question is not clear enough. Maybe I should ask, how to generate the "Div" and "Div (%)" based on the Quarter 1 data.
Div: Sum(Field) - Above(Sum(Field), 1, 1)
Div (%): (Sum(Field) - Above(Sum(Field), 1, 1)) / Above(Sum(Field), 1, 1))
Thanks a lot TimvB, it does resolved my problem.