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Dear all,
In below help document, it is mention the stop all the qliksense services while applying the patch,
So just need to confirm (All) means to stop respository database service as well?
Hi @Mahamed_Qlik ,
Yes, it is recommended to stop the Reposistory Service if the repository is still bundled with all other qlik services. If the Reposistory is a standalone db & in the windows services shows as Postgres service, then it is not required.
PS : the patch installer itself stops all the necessary services first, the stopping of services prior to installing the patch is just a precautionary measure.
Hi Rohan,
Thank you for response.
I mean to ask about Repository database Service ( Now its postgres) not only Repository service
Thats what i meant by unbundled repo. If it's now listed as a postgres service then you don't need to stop it.
For patch, QSRDB is not necessary (If it is Postgre SQL above 9.6, the name should be postgresql as service) . So, you can proceed only Qlik services.
Short Q), Do you have postgre SQL installed where Qlik installed or single instance?