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Hi there,
I'm fresh new here and also newbie in Qlik, but I am glad to be part of this strong and supporting community. 😉
I have a requirements to implement a report with a layout like the one below: three sections: A] the lower part of the screen is a table (a Oracle view), based on that table the user should be able to pick up in the B] top left aria any of the columns from A section and play with them, and finally, C] in top right aria of the screen, dynamically draw a chart based on values in section B.
The data source is Oracle where I have to load from some views (~30). The biggest view has ~25 mil records and growing.
The "mighty user" shall be also able to decide which of those 30 tables want to appear in the lower part of the layout.
As well, I need a web-based, responsive and adaptive design report.
Now, my questions:
1) is Qlik Sense able to accomplish this expectations or shall I go for Qlikview?
2) what would be the requirements for a PC to be able to handle loading such big amount of data?
Many thanks in advance!
1) is Qlik Sense able to accomplish this expectations or shall I go for Qlikview?
I'm not sure it can be done in Qlik Sense. It's easier to do in Qlikview with techniques like explained in this blog post: Customizable Straight Table
2) what would be the requirements for a PC to be able to handle loading such big amount of data?
No idea. I have no idea how much data you intend to load. Or if you want to use Direct Discovery or not.
I would tackle this request slightly differently. Ignoring the layout for a second. Your requirement is to allow users to customise a base dashboard to create their own charts using a controlled set of data.
Using Qlik Sense Server Edition you can create a base Dashboard with your 30 million etc... records in a data model exactly like QlikView. Add to a stream of authorised users.
You can create Master Items for any measures, dimensions visualisations you want your "Mighty user" community to use and not alter.
They can then with the right permissions be allowed to create their own charts in their own layouts to their hearts content. Publication of the users creations can be controlled by an administrator.
The output would be responsive as per Qlik Sense sweet spot Although QlikView has a perfectly usable mobile viewer to meet this requirement although not as sexy.
I would look at the features and functionality of Qlik Sense Server edition and its features around data governance and publication of user content to solve your requirement.
It is still a new tool and missing a lot of functionality and features taken for granted in View but certainly worth a look as it is very User focused rather than the developer focused View Product.
Thanks Gybsbert, but:
I am still confused.
On one hand, I think Qlik View is a better option for us due to the fact that, the solution we want to deploy to the client shall be standardized, w/o offering too much possibility to the end-user to change the layout of the report, but just playing around with the given set of tables & fields, within the two (A and B) sections.
On the other hand, this article (QlikView and Qlik Sense) says that if we need a web-based, adaptive solution to various screen sizes and formats, than, Qlik Sense is the winner...
Concerning the data we are going to load, just think of 60-70 mil records, spread across 30 tables. There are few (4-5) with more than 1 mil records - up to 30/40 mil records. Here, I am mostly concerned about the process of creating the SYN keys by both Qlik Sense and Qlikview - wich might take a while...
Thanks Andy for your answer.
Your suggestion is very welcome, but I think I shall add to my initial explanations the following facts: it is desired by my boss, that end-users shall not be able to alter the layout in anyway, but they shall just be able to play around within the given three sections above described and with the data we decide to have in the application.
On the other hand, I have no clue, how the Qlik Sense Server ed. is working, I have no clue about any user rights in the system and so on. I need to be "sure" the path I choose is the proper one, due to the fact that I have to learn a new product, and the "time is money".
I just made a small app in the Qlik Sense Desktop but on a first glance is missing the features I might need in this new project.
Therefore, if your suggestion is to try Qlik Sense Server, I will give a try and come back later to you.
Sounds like perhaps your Boss has seen some of the features in View or other products like switch chart type which is not currently supported in Sense.
My thought is his requirement of fixed layout is a contradiction to the responsive layout also requested in your brief.
As with all evaluation nothing is every a 100% fit for everyone compromise needs to be reached to move forward. Listing your desired features in priority order by stakeholder will help focus your evaluation of these and other products that might hit your brief in a timely manner. Once listed you can contact Qlik Sales representatives to arrange demos based on your priority requirements.
Remember time might equal money but reversing a bad decision costs a lot more.
Honestly i think my boss just have these requirements. It is me trying to figure out if I can go with View or with Sense...
And now, regarding your suggestion, it seems that I can't download a Sense Server trial version, so, I can't have a proof of concept with Server ed.... 😞
mto I've included Michael from Qlik in this discussion he should be able to steer you better on what evaluation resources are available to you.
Good luck
Thanks Andy .
Hi all - let me review this thread and I will post back appropriately.
Mike T
Hi Ovidiu,
Welcome to the Qlik family!
I reviewed this thread carefully, I will provide a simple short answer and then the typical suggested response 🙂
It seems QlikView would be the tool to use. QlikView allows you tremendous flexibility to create defined applications as you have described. You can create a pseudo report writer using list boxes and dynamically add and remove columns etc. This is what I used to call structured Ad hoc, back in the day when using traditional BI. However - it will take more work, but you will get exactly what you want. I don't have the specific details, but I have seen it done and there are samples as well that show this capability.
Getting Started with QlikView here: New to QlikView Videos
Now that being said, you still may want to look into Qlik Sense and see how a business user would be able to define their own set of reports, using a governed library of visualizations, measures and dimensions. This way they can create AND make their changes but from an existing governed template. The layout they see is can be their own. This is the new generation of self service data visualization that is completely responsive and mobile ready. Using Qlik Sense out of the box is very easy for non-technical users to build their own content. There is also a set of APIs and extensions that can customize and allow you to integrate and embed Qlik Sense apps into your own applications.
If you are new to Qlik Sense - check out these short succinct videos to help you get started:
This Week:
If interested, this Thursday at 2PM EST - I will be presenting a getting started with Qlik Sense Webinar, you might want to have you and your boss join and take a look: Getting started with Qlik Sense Desktop
Finally - I would suggest you work with one of Qlik engineers and discuss these requirements, they are best fit to help you and can get you a trial license of Qlik Sense Enterprise server.
Please mark the appropriate replies as CORRECT / HELPFUL so our team and other members know that your question(s) has been answered to your satisfaction.
Mike Tarallo