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Contributor III
Contributor III

Script Help

Hi Can someone help me write a script please?

I have a field that shows the delivery status of each journey - which identify whether its been On time, Early or Late.

I basically have a map and I'm trying to map out all the on time, late and early by colour (Green for On time and Early, and Red for Late). They all have Lat long data so that not a problem - The problem is me having a lack of knowledge in new map function and writing the scripts!

I wont even share what I have attempted with .

P.S if anyone has any content in me learning script writing please feel free to share

4 Replies

Have u been able to create the map object regardless of the colors?

Contributor III
Contributor III

Hi - Yes I have created the Map object with bubbles etc. I just need to write the script to identify the delivery status visually.


Just drop the Status field on the map and color it by it

Contributor III
Contributor III


Sorry - I need to show this on the expression editor on Measures as my dimension shows Delivery Site. and for some reason it only allows me to add dimensions in my maps?