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Section Access with N-Printing

Hi Techies,

I have N printing 17.3 installed on server and I have 300 users list of receipts and I have imported the users by import task with filtration of fields.

Now when I execute the task it takes 30 hours to deliver the reports. It is a huge amount of time for me. So I am planning to use section access option when we create connection and try to reduce the data as per each user rather put filter in N Printing, I want to know how effective section access feature is for data reduction ?

Do using section access instead of filtration in N printing can be consider as a optimize way of data reduction and task execution time will be decreased if I user section access ?

Thanks in advance.


3 Replies
Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

Hi Rohit,

  Section Access will not solve your performance issue because nprinting authenticates a single time when opening the document using the service account or an specific user defined in the Connection.

  Probably you have a design issue or with the data model or maybe in your report. I have a customer case with performance issue in report generation and the problem was in the report design.

  If possible, share some details of report complexity and template used (pixel perfect, office template) and also the app size (number of rows on largest table for example).

Kind Regards,


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Hi Pablo,

Thanks for your inputs.

I will share the details with you asap but till that can you confirm again in short:

Using section access for one user and Using filter in N printing for same field and value is same and switching to section access from N printing filtraion change nothing in execution time ?


Hi rohit,

AFAIK ,  if you have section access in your app no need to use filter untill unless you have perticular filter required.

without section access you need to use filters  --  but  if you use filter sometimes  values and fields might have change so again you need to go to filters and adding evrymonth or frequently  .

if you have section access it will give as it is  even if you change the fields and filters also.