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Contributor III
Contributor III

Section Access

Hello all

need help regarding section access. I have data of branches, vendors and items. Requirement is to hide 3 vendors  say Vndr1 vndr2 vndr3 from Sales group when the user from sales group open the application the user should not see the vndr 1 vndr 2 and vndr3 in the Vendors list,. how to write the code for it .

Management group users should have full access.

Sales group users with limited access.

Management Group. users mgmnt1, mngmnt2, mngmnt3

Sales Group users   Sale1, Sale2, Sale3.

Vendors: vndr1, vndr2, vndr3..........vndr10, vndr11......

branches: br1, br2, br3, br4, br5, br6.

items: vndr1. itm1, vndr1.itm2......vndr1.itm10, vndr2.itm1, vndr2.itm2, vndr2.itm3....vndr2.itm10...........vndr8.itm1, vndr8.itm2........

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