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Contributor III
Contributor III

Set Analysis Aggr does not work in if statement



I have created the following calculation for a report that calculates the Working Days per Month and sums up for all months and Users succesfully

Sum(Aggr(avg(WD), Year_Month, [User]))

I wanted to create a measure to show together in a table multiple KPIs and display each one in a row of the table and this is why I created the below, but my calculation brings always 0 in the outcome of the if statement.

if(Valuelist('Measure1','# Business Days'
) = '# Business Days', Sum(Aggr(avg(WD), Year_Month, [User])), [Measure1])

Could someone assist?

Thanks in advance



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4 Replies
Partner Ambassador
Partner Ambassador

try this:

Dimension (Calculated dimension)

Valuelist('Measure1','# Business Days')


=pick(match(Valuelist('Measure1','# Business Days'),'Measure1','# Business Days')
   ,Sum(Aggr(avg(WD), Year_Month, [User]))

Contributor III
Contributor III

Do you have sample data so we can get a better idea of the numbers/fields/what is being done? In place of the if true and else sections of the if statement, you can force the values to be 1 and 2 or something and verify the conditional check is returning true or false correctly. This way you can see which of the two expressions are evaluating to 0 (I’m not sure if it’s the sum(agg()) expression or the measure1)

Contributor III
Contributor III

Thank you Jochem. I have tried the pick function as suggested and seems that with current structure it brings the correct Value to the Measure1 place and I did the minor change below (just to be on the correct order

=pick(match(Valuelist('Measure1','# Business Days'),'Measure1','# Business Days')
   ,Sum(Aggr(avg(WD), Year_Month, [User]))
   ,[Measure1],Sum(Aggr(avg(WD), Year_Month, [User]))

However, in this case again my calculation shows 0 always, while in the first place it was correct but under the wrong label.

Not sure how this is working


Contributor III
Contributor III

you should just need to flip the match values as shown below

=pick(match(Valuelist('Measure1','# Business Days'),'# Business Days','Measure1')
   ,Sum(Aggr(avg(WD), Year_Month, [User]))

what this is doing is matching the valuelist value with the 2 options #business days and measure1. match returns the position of the match in the list (in this case 1 for # business days and 2 for measure1. pick then uses that number to perform the equation in that position (in this case 1 will result in the sum(aggr()) and 2 will result in measure1. both the match and pick functions can be extended further to include 3,4,5, etc... options if this ever needs to grow.