Hello everyone,
I have a qvd file having every month file with the (data as of )field
I would like to get the lastest count of the data(field name - match count)
So we have the expression --> count({<[Data As Of]={"$(=Date(Max([Data As Of])))"}>}[Match Count])
which is not giving the output
and to see the difference of the count increase compare to previous month below expresision
(Sum({<"Data As Of"={"$(=Date(Max([Data As Of.autoCalendar.Date])))"}>}"Match Count") - Sum({<"Data As Of"={"$(=Date(Max([Data As Of.autoCalendar.Date], 2)))"}>}"Match Count")) / Sum({<"Data As Of"={"$(=Date(Max([Data As Of.autoCalendar.Date], 2)))"}>}"Match Count")
which is also not working
Please need advise