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I have a field License Type with values 1,2,3,4 and a Container Chart with 3 charts in it.
I have to show Chart 1 if values 1 or 2 and both are selected, Chart 2 if License Type = 3 and Chart 3 if License Type = 4
Chart 1 should be displayed if nothing is selected.
You need to first add as master items to all of the 3 charts and then drag and drop a container on canvas and in that add all the 3 charts and then in show condition box of container properties, set a condition accordingly using variable
Below link is just for your reference-
and I have also used this hide show a lot in my project and it works great
I have also done all the steps I want to know how to write condition as without selection no chart is displayed I want default to be chart 1
for that, you need to write in sheet properties, there add an action and set variable of your chart to 1 which you wanted to show by default
This will put field value on all the charts instead of just one on the sheet.