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Good morning, I'm trying to get my last registered amount based on the date and product, but the registration date in a single day brings different hours and minutes, I want to get the last registration of your last hour by product.
I have managed to bring the last reading date by product, but I can't find how to bring the inventories.
I am attaching images and the formula that I have used, I would appreciate your help.
IF ( Sum( inventory ) > 0,
Max( read_date ),
EstacionID, Producto ), 'DD-MM-YYYY- HH:mm:ss' ) ),
EstacionID, Producto )
Hi, you may have to format read_date as such;
Timestamp(Timestamp#(read_date ,'DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss.0'),'DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm:ss') as read_date
Dimensions: EstacionID and Producto
read_date: =Max(read_date)
Inventory: =FirstSortedValue(Inventory, -read_date)
@Daniboy2019 try below
Assuming you have Dimensions EstacionID,read_date,Producto, you can write below measure
=sum(aggr(FirstSortedValue( aggr(sum(Inventory),EstacionID,Producto,read_date),-read_date),EstacionID,Producto))
If you have unique value on combination of EstacionID,read_date,Producto, Inventory you can use below expression
Note: Uncheck suppress zero value option from chart properties
@Daniboy2019 try below
Assuming you have Dimensions EstacionID,read_date,Producto, you can write below measure
=sum(aggr(FirstSortedValue( aggr(sum(Inventory),EstacionID,Producto,read_date),-read_date),EstacionID,Producto))
If you have unique value on combination of EstacionID,read_date,Producto, Inventory you can use below expression
Note: Uncheck suppress zero value option from chart properties
This worked for me, thanks a lot for the help 😊
Thank you very much for the help 🙂 , I will try to apply this formula 🤗