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I am trying to connect 2 tables - a Calendar and a PH table containing the Public Holiday Dates and Public Holiday Names.
The key that connects the 2 tables is BusinessDate. I used Left Join (MasterCalendar) as I want to retain all dates in the Master Calendar and be able to identify the Public Holiday name if it is a public holiday.
I am loading the distinct records of Public Holiday dates as the originating tables had duplicates in them.
When I load the 2 tables individually, they look perfectly fine. However, when I join them, the Public Holiday name is not coming through.
Can anyone help to see what is wrong with this data load?
Date(TempDate,'DD/MM/YYYY') as BusinessDate
Resident TempCalendar;
Drop Table TempCalendar;
LOAD distinct
Date(PHDate,'DD/MM/YYYY') as BusinessDate,
capitalize (PHName) as PH_Name
FROM [lib://QLIKQVD (qliksense_administrator)/eHR_PH.qvd] (qvd);
left join (MasterCalendar)
Load * resident PH;
Drop table PH;
Thanks. !
There is my test file (as you can see there are some PH names)
Try it and let me know if you experience the same issue.
Be insure from your end to check both key fields in the table has proper date format
Key Fields
Date(TempDate,'DD/MM/YYYY') as BusinessDate
Date(PHDate,'DD/MM/YYYY') as BusinessDate
Or you can try with Numeric key fields of the date field
Date(TempDate,'DD/MM/YYYY') as BusinessDate,
NUM(Date(TempDate,'DD/MM/YYYY')) as NumBusinessDate
Resident TempCalendar;
Drop Table TempCalendar;
left join (MasterCalendar)
LOAD distinct
Date(PHDate,'DD/MM/YYYY') as PHDate,
NUM(Date(PHDate,'DD/MM/YYYY')) as NumBusinessDate,
capitalize (PHName) as PH_Name
FROM [lib://QLIKQVD (qliksense_administrator)/eHR_PH.qvd] (qvd);
Hi Anand,
I've checked the format of the dates and they are correct.
I also tried your suggestion of converting them to NUM and still got the same results.
Hi Jamie,
Can you attach your file?
I've tested your 'data load' script - and it's working on my side.
After joining - you cannot see PH field or you can see the field, but there is no PH' names?
Provide sample data or you can check your qvd location will it perfect or not.
FROM [lib://QLIKQVD (qliksense_administrator)/eHR_PH.qvd] (qvd);
Hi Grzegorz,
My file is too big to be attached.
I can see the PH-Name field, but there are no entries coming up against it. Seems to be Null, even though the Business Dates that are also PH are showing up.
Hi Jamie,
try this
LOAD distinct (remove distinct)
left join (MasterCalendar)
Load * resident PH;
change to
left join (MasterCalendar)
Load BusinessDate,MaxString(PH_Name) as PH_Name
resident PH
Group By BusinessDate;
There is my test file (as you can see there are some PH names)
Try it and let me know if you experience the same issue.
Hi Grzegorz,
I tested your qvf and it worked. I will go back to review my data again before updating all. Thanks.
Hi Antonio, Thanks, but it didn't solve the issue. I will review my data again just to ensure I have not missed out something. Will update all on this. Thanks.