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Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II

Table with different sum if expressions within row and column level

Hi all,


this might be a bit of a complex problem as I am forced to format a table like an Excel table.
What I want to achieve is a table that displays the budget that was already invested in 4 different products and the over all budget that is still available for the those products. The column for the assigned budget is relativity easy to generate for me. However I struggle with creating the column for the volume that is still available.

  Assigned Volume Available Volume
Product A SUM(IF(product='A', budget,0)) SUM(IF(eu=1 and approval<>0, budget,0)) - SUM(IF(product='A', budget,0))
Product B SUM(IF(product='B', budget,0)) SUM(IF(eu=1 and approval<>0, budget,0)) - SUM(IF(product='B', budget,0))
Product C SUM(IF(product='C', budget,0)) SUM(IF(eu=1 and approval<>0, budget,0)) - SUM(IF(product='C', budget,0))
Product D SUM(IF(product='D', budget,0)) SUM(IF(eu=1 and approval<>0 and level2_approval<>0, budget,0))

Yes it is correct that for Product D the available volume does not need to be subtracted by the already assigned volume.


For the assigned volume column I used the following function: =sum({<product={'A', 'B', 'C', 'D'}>}budget). But I haven't found a solution for the Available Volume column yet.
For me it is irrelevant if I solve this via a solution within the load script by creating a new table, creating variables for the given table fields or if I use a solution within the frond end (i.e. with set expressions).


I already created a table out of different KPI tiles (see below) however this is not the solution I am aiming for


Looking forward to your suggestions!

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4 Replies
Creator III
Creator III

How about something like this:

// Product A Available Volume
SUM({<eu={1},approval={'*'}-{1}>}budget) - SUM({<product={'A'}>}budget)
// Product B Available Volume
SUM({<eu={1},approval={'*'}-{1}>}budget) - SUM({<product={'B'}>}budget)
// Product C Available Volume
SUM({<eu={1},approval={'*'}-{1}>}budget) - SUM({<product={'C'}>}budget)
// Product D Available Volume

Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II

But how do I get this into one column of the table? Simply inserting those functions into one function line of the table visualization won't work right?

Creator III
Creator III

Does something like this work for you?  I have not tried it out with sample data.

// Use TOTAL to get the overall budget
// Sum(budget) will be for a given product
// Use if() to apply a specific formula for product D
If (product<> 'D',
SUM({<eu={1},approval={'*'}-{1}>}TOTAL budget) - SUM(budget),

SUM({<eu={1},approval={'*'}-{1},level2_approval={'*'}-{0}>}TOTAL budget)


Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II

Unfortunately I couldn't get it to work because I always get the error message that there is still an error in the set modifier expression. But I really like the approach!

It seams like that there is an issue with the "else" part of the if expression. However even when I run only the first part only empty values are listed in the table.