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Text and image objects

Hi all,

I need some data in object and image object. I have added sample .xls of the columns.

In load script i am using the below code:

LOAD `subject_id` as Order_selected,

    count(subject_status= "passed" && subject_status= "completed") as count_completed,

    count(subject_status= "incomplete") as count_incompleted  ;

SQL SELECT `subject_id`,



FROM rcdbrpt.subjectaccesstracking

group by user_id ;

What actually i need is :

For example in .xls file i have a user id 18.

1 .order_selected -----  i.e in subject_id user 18 as subject order 1,2,3,4.

2. count of subject_status where subject_status= "passed" && subject_status= "completed" as count_completed

3. count of subject_status where subject_status= "incomplete" as count_incompleted

These data should be grouped according to user_ id.

In filter pane if i select user_id = 18. the output should be:

Course Selection Order           : 1,2,3,4

Number Completed                 : 3

Number Partially Completed     : 1

Please help me to solve this.



3 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP


Here is the expression you should use in text box.

='Course Selection Order : ' & Concat(DISTINCT subject_id) & chr(10) & 'Number Completed : ' & count({<subject_status = {"Passed","Completed"}>}DISTINCT subject_id)& chr(10)

& ' Partially Completed : ' & count({<subject_status = {"inComplete"}>}DISTINCT subject_id)& chr(10)


Kaushik Solanki

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Not applicable

Hi Kaushik Solanki,

Everything looks fine except one thing. the selection order is not as in the database.

for example: for id= 82

Course Selection Order           : 1,4,3,2

But it is displaying in the order : 1,2,3,4

For all data it is displaying in the same order.

Please help on this.



Not applicable


I found it the problem is i want to group it by user_id.  I'm not getting how to group it.

the code i used.

Concat(DISTINCT subject_id, '-', subject_access_track_id) & chr(10) &

the order what i need is getting when i select the particular user_id,  but the problem is when i dint select any id,

it is displaying all the values.

Please help on it.

