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Upcoming change to variables in bookmarks and subscriptions in Qlik Cloud Analytics

With a Qlik Cloud Analytics update on the 10th of December 2024, Qlik introduces a new feature which changes how variables are used in bookmarks.

Developers now have a setting for each variable, to include that variable in all bookmarks.  The default is that variables are not included.
Previously, the user creating a bookmark had to check the ”Save all variable states” option, in order to include variables. This way of working is not recommended, since it is the app developer who knows which variables need to be saved.


include bookmarks.png



This implies a change for the Save all variable states bookmarks setting:





When Save all variable states is unchecked, single variables will still be included if the developer decided to use Include in Bookmarks: Yes.


  • If the setting is checked, all not  script-created variables will be included, whether Include in bookmarks is set to Yes or No. This is the current behaviour.
  • In order for script-related variables to be included, they will have to be explicitly set to Include in bookmarks: Yes.

If the original value was set to No, changing Include in bookmarks to Yes for a specific variable afterwards will not affect the bookmark, because the variable is not saved in it. However, an app-designer might decide that a variable that was included in the bookmark creation should be removed from it: in that case, changing the value from Yes to No will remove the variable until the value is changed back to Yes.

The same
behaviours described above will apply to new subscriptions and their Use variable state setting: variables in the subscription are handled with bookmark capabilities, and the setting is equivalent to the Save variable state in bookmarks.
All the subscriptions that existed before the new feature’s release will not be affected.




Please note: the Save all variable states and  Use variable state settings will be deprecated and eventually removed. We recommend developers to start working on their Include in bookmarks settings for each variable.

Daniele - Principal Technical Support Engineer & SaaS Support Coordinator at Qlik
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Creator III
Creator III

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