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Use value selected in Filter pane

Hello , I am new to Qliksense and trying to form a table in Qliksense by extracting data through SQL Server.

I want to extract the value selected in the Filter pane and then use it to extract data from SQL Server dynamically.

Is there any way we can extract the particular selected value in the Filter pane ?



3 Replies

The normal work method is:
You pull your data from your SQL server into your app, build your datamodel, build your views. Then use those views. You filter the data by making selections, but you don't load data into an app, make selections and then try to reload the app again based on what's selected.


Is there a specific reason why you would only want to pull data from your SQL Server based on what's selected? You'd limit yourself to those selected criteria. Wanting to see other criteria would mean another reload, so I don't see how this would benefit you.


Suppose I want to work on data for a particular period selected since the whole data is very huge and loading all the data will be very time consuming.


I'd still just limit the data in the script to what you need then through a where-clause.

What you want to do is basically what the Qlik Engine already does: You limit the data through selections. But you're going one step further and making it irreversable in the whole app.

If you want to limit the data in the app, because frequent reloads are needed (e.g. making and testing changes to the script), consider refreshing in debug mode and doing a limited load.