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What are the data source limitations of using Qlik Sense Desktop? (free version)

is it only limited to personal files like excel spreadsheets plusthe datamarket data?

2 Replies
Specialist III
Specialist III

From my point of view

Those data sources which does not have ODBC/OLDEDB drivers and some has connector also like SAP , Sales force

So qlik has very common for all data source.

But doing some research on this topic will give you clarity.


It has exactly the same limits as the non-free Qlik Sense Enterprise version. If you have an odbc or oledb driver for your data source then you can connect with it. For some special sources (for example web apis for the twitters, facebooks etc of this world) you need a special connector. Some of those are not free. But that applies to both Qlik Sense Desktop and Qlik Sense Enterprise.

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