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YTD accumulation for 2 dimensions, multiple values for second dim - set analysis

Hi all,

I'm trying to create an expression, which calculates the YTD accumulation, but for sub products of the first one per Month-Year.

It works fine if I have just 1 product, per Month Year. ie. The accumulation works as expected and the calc for this is:

=rangesum(above(Total sum({<[Sales Date]={">=$(vStartCurrYr)<=$(vCurrYrEndDate)"},[Sales Date1]= {">=$(vYTDYEAR) <=$(vYTDDate)"}, PeriodFY_Month_Name>} Measure)
,0,rowno(TOTAL)) )

1pROD_YTD_Qlik_Works.PNGBut when I add in a Sub Product, next to Product, it doesn't accumulate per Sub Product. It appears that it is accumulating all the values for the Sub Products together, like the following:

In this case, there are 2 Sub Product per Product, but it doesn't accumulate correctly per Sub Product.

sub product_wrong ytd.PNG

 Any ideas on how to accumulate the values per Sub Product per Month Year?


Much appreciated.


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2 Replies

Could you share your sample app?

May be try this

=Aggr(RangeSum(Above(Sum({<[Sales Date] = {">=$(vStartCurrYr)<=$(vCurrYrEndDate)"}, [Sales Date1] = {">=$(vYTDYEAR) <=$(vYTDDate)"}, PeriodFY_Month_Name>} Measure)
, 0, RowNo())), Product, Sub-Product, ([Month Year], (NUMERIC)))