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Hi all ,
i am fetching data from SQL database which consists of the column "Date of Birth" in the data.
now in qliksense in have created a calculated dimension to calculate age using the below given expression:
this works fine. but the user wants the buckets for the ages calculated , like mentioned below
buckets :
18-30 years
31 - 45 years
45+ years
now how do i do this ??
i refered to several posts similar to this scenrio but i am not able to ficgure out the right way. can any one please help me out.
as i am new to qliksense i really need your help guys.
also note : age is not calulated in the script . it is calculated in the calculated dimension.
Can you check...
Age(Today(),DATE((Timestamp(Timestamp#([Patient DOB], 'M/D/YYYY h:mm') ))) ) < 19, Dual('[, 19)', 1)
,If(Age(Today(),DATE((Timestamp(Timestamp#([Patient DOB], 'M/D/YYYY h:mm') ))) ) >= 19 and Age(Today(),DATE((Timestamp(Timestamp#([Patient DOB], 'M/D/YYYY h:mm') ))) ) < 31, Dual('[19, 31)', 2)
,If(Age(Today(),DATE((Timestamp(Timestamp#([Patient DOB], 'M/D/YYYY h:mm') ))) ) >= 31 and Age(Today(),DATE((Timestamp(Timestamp#([Patient DOB], 'M/D/YYYY h:mm') ))) ) < 45, Dual('[31, 45)', 3)
,If(Age(Today(),DATE((Timestamp(Timestamp#([Patient DOB], 'M/D/YYYY h:mm') ))) ) >= 45, Dual('[45, )', 4))))
) AS [Age As Of Now (Bucketed)]
Editing a table with data profiling cards - Qlik Sense - YouTube
Hi Nagesh ,
Should this be created as a dimension ??
and then use the dimension in the chart ??
i tried doing it , it said there is an error in the syntax ..
did that work for u ?
can u share an image of the logic implemented ?
thanks for replying
Hi Chandana,
Try using
=NUM( [Age As Of Now (Bucketed)])
for dimension... It worked for me in filter pane.
Below steps i followed in Data Manager;
1) Create a calculated field "DOB Age", using Age(Today(1), [Patient DOB])
2) Create buckets
Thank u for the screen shots ,
with reference to those i am trying to create a calculated column in data manager tab. but i cannot see the table with data here , it is asking for synchronization of data .
and when i selected synchronizing data it is taking very long time to load the tables,
i am not getting where is the problem.
i am loading data through query from sql server.
can u pls suggest on what is wrong here and how to handle it ?
Hi Chandana,
After creating buckets using front end, it adds below field/line a script.
Age(Today(),DATE((Timestamp(Timestamp#([Patient DOB], 'M/D/YYYY h:mm') ))) ) < 19, Dual('[, 19)', 1)
,If(Age(Today(),DATE((Timestamp(Timestamp#([Patient DOB], 'M/D/YYYY h:mm') ))) ) >= 19 and Age(Today(),DATE((Timestamp(Timestamp#([Patient DOB], 'M/D/YYYY h:mm') ))) ) < 31, Dual('[19, 31)', 2)
,If(Age(Today(),DATE((Timestamp(Timestamp#([Patient DOB], 'M/D/YYYY h:mm') ))) ) >= 31 and Age(Today(),DATE((Timestamp(Timestamp#([Patient DOB], 'M/D/YYYY h:mm') ))) ) < 45, Dual('[31, 45)', 3)
,If(Age(Today(),DATE((Timestamp(Timestamp#([Patient DOB], 'M/D/YYYY h:mm') ))) ) >= 45, Dual('[45, )', 4))))
) AS [Age As Of Now (Bucketed)]
You can modify to suit your requirement and use it.
Might be your data set is huge hence taking time to load