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I have to calculate the projection of a measure for the entire fiscal year.
Typically the formula is:
=Revenew_fiscal_year_2024 / 8 * 12
while 12 can be a constant as the 12th month of the fiscal year
the current fiscal period (8) changes depending on the day of the month.
is there any way to deduct the fiscal period knowing the current date?
at the end it worked like that, supposing first month of fiscal year is October:
Hi @AdrianoEllero
You can use the following approach:
LET vToday = Today();
LET vFiscalYearStartMonth = 4; // Assuming fiscal year starts in April
// Calculate the current fiscal period
LET vCurrentFiscalPeriod = Month(vToday) - vFiscalYearStartMonth + 1;
IF vCurrentFiscalPeriod <= 0 THEN
LET vCurrentFiscalPeriod = vCurrentFiscalPeriod + 12;
// Now use this variable in your expression
RevenueProjection = (Revenew_fiscal_year_2024 / $(vCurrentFiscalPeriod)) * 12;
***Hope this resolve your issue.
If the issue is solved please mark the answer with Accept as Solution & like it.***
I have error at the first row.
LET vToday = Today();
any hint?
Check this one:
LET vToday = num(today(1))
There is no error on my side.
no way
I am editing the expression in a chart
what ever I write in the expression automatically appear with "=" in front
this works for example
Month(Toda()) that becomes = Month(Toda())
even other formulas work like Turnover/(Month(Toda()) + 2) * 12 that becomes =Turnover/(Month(Toda()) + 2) * 12
I can't write LET
at the end it worked like that, supposing first month of fiscal year is October: