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Contributor III
Contributor III

Custom colors for Drilldown


I have a drill down with multiple values per drill down field and I would like to assign custom colors to them all.

How do I go about doing this? It seems in my bar chart when I have my drill down applied to the dimension, I can only custom set my color according to a single color.

If I can assign HEX colors to each value of the drill down fields, I was thinking of applying a color expression using RGB but it seems I can't even do that for my bar chart.


7 Replies
Contributor III
Contributor III

My drill down looks like this: 

     Stream 1

           Channel A

           Channel B

     Stream 2

           Channel C

     Stream 3

           Channel D

           Channel E

     Stream 4

          Channel F


With the Data Fields Called




I have put this into the expression and it works for streams custom coloring

If([Streams]='Stream 1', RGB (1,1,1)) & If([Streams]='Stream 2', RGB (100,100,100)) If([Streams]='Stream 3', RGB (150,150,150)) If([Streams]='Stream 4', RGB (50,50,50))


However, when I add the conditional expressions for the subsequent field in the drill down, Channels, they are greyed out and the following doesn't work.

If([Streams]='Stream 1', RGB (1,1,1)) & If([Streams]='Stream 2', RGB (100,100,100)) &  If([Streams]='Stream 3', RGB (150,150,150)) &  If([Streams]='Stream 4', RGB (50,50,50)) & If([Channels]='Channel A', RGB (70, 70, 70))   ........etc


So I can custom color the first field in the drill down, but not the second?




Please create Master Item for all Measures and assign Color which is default (Drawback - You cant go out of the box for colors). Then, Call those into Bar graph

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful

Your condition not correct, Perhaps this? I am just modifying your expression.

If([Streams]='Stream 1', RGB (1,1,1), If([Streams]='Stream 2', RGB (100,100,100), If([Streams]='Stream 3', RGB (150,150,150),  If([Streams]='Stream 4', RGB (50,50,50), If([Channels]='Channel A', RGB (70, 70, 70))))))

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful
Contributor III
Contributor III

That doesn't seem to work for me 😞

Contributor III
Contributor III

Did you get any solution?

Contributor III
Contributor III

I had the same need and i managed to dill with it.

1. create a dimension master item for the drill down field (name it A).

2. create another dimension master item for the coloring (an if expression that define the color for each value). (name it B)

3. In the graph object insert the dimension A as the data dimension , then go to appearance->color and choose dimension B.

4. duplicate this graph (maybe even chang the graph type, it's nice) and when you drill from one value you will see it in the other graph.

Hope you'll find it usefull...


Contributor II
Contributor II

This is a really nice workaround, thanks for describing it! Could you mark your answer as a solution so other people can find it easier when they have the same issue?