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Administrator approval and consent for Web Connectors (Azure storage, Office 365 Sharepoint, Dynamics365 CRM, Onedrive, Outlook 365)

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Administrator approval and consent for Web Connectors (Azure storage, Office 365 Sharepoint, Dynamics365 CRM, Onedrive, Outlook 365)

Last Update:

Jun 30, 2022 6:15:55 AM

Updated By:


Created date:

Apr 27, 2020 10:15:10 AM

Account Types 

  • Personal Account:
Once the connector has authorization to access the Microsoft account there will be a corresponding entry in "My apps"



  • Enterprise Account:


Granting Access for Enterprise Accounts:

Once the enterprise application is selected an application list will appear that the user can filter searching for Qlik Web Connector:

granting access 2.jfif
Select Qlik Web Connectors (Office 365 SharePoint) and look for the properties page. The page should have the following checkboxes ticked.
Enabled for users to sign-in? (Yes)

User assignment required? (Yes) This field is only mandatory if the administrator wants to restrict access to the users.

Visible to users? (Yes)
 visible to users.jfif


Testing (With administrator rights)

Open Qlik Office 365 SharePoint connector and select "Can Authenticate" and the press the green button "Authenticate"

shapoint connector.png
You will be redirected to a Microsoft login page that should look similar to the following picture:


permission requested.jfif

If azure grants access, the Qlik Webconnector application will generate a code as the following one:

auth code.jfif

Testing (With NON administrator rights)

If a basic (Non admin) user tries to auth the following message would appear in azure:
In order to fix this the administrator needs to grant access to the users.

Once the administrator granted access to the user the message that should appear is the following one:


Version history
Last update:
‎2022-06-30 06:15 AM
Updated by: