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Charts shared via email on Qlik Cloud contain links that don't work

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Charts shared via email on Qlik Cloud contain links that don't work

Last Update:

May 10, 2022 3:14:14 PM

Updated By:


Created date:

Feb 28, 2022 10:54:56 AM

When sharing a chart using Right Click > Share > Image, the recipient receives an email with broken links.
The links do not start with ...





If the links start with anything other than the tenant's URL, then they have been converted by the recipient's email server. This is common nowadays for security reasons when links get converted into some "redirect" URL to test its safety. This can be tested by sharing the chart to a recipient using an email address outside the organization of the one breaking the links.

Qlik is not responsible for that conversion, and the issue should be addressed to the team responsible for email security on the recipient side.

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Version history
Last update:
‎2022-05-10 03:14 PM
Updated by: