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How to Change Admin User in Talend Academy

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How to Change Admin User in Talend Academy

Last Update:

Jun 23, 2024 9:53:06 PM

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Created date:

Jun 23, 2024 9:53:26 PM



Changing the Admin User in Talend Academy requires following specific steps and ensuring accurate details are provided.

For Customer Domain Administrators needing assistance, please refer to the templates provided below.

If encountering difficulties, use the support template to contact us for assistance.

Email Template for Contacting Customer Domain Administrators

Subject: Request to Change Admin User in Talend Academy

Dear Customer Domain Administrator,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to request a change in the Admin User for our organization's Talend Academy account. Below are the necessary details:

  • Current Admin User Email ID: [Insert Current Admin User Email]
  • New Admin User Email ID: [Insert New Admin User Email]
  • Reason for Change: [Briefly explain your request]
  • Attached Document: Please refer to the attached document for detailed instructions.

 Note: Please refer to the document attached to check if you have the authority to make the requested changes. If you are unable to proceed, kindly contact Talend Support for further assistance.

Your prompt assistance in changing the Admin User would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support and consideration.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Email Template for Contacting Support

Subject: Request to Change Admin User in Talend Academy

Dear Academy Team,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to request a change in the Admin User for our organization's Talend Academy account. Below are the necessary details:

  • Current Admin User Email ID: [Insert Current Admin User Email]
  • New Admin User Email ID: [Insert New Admin User Email]
  • Reason for Change: [Briefly explain your request]
  • Attached Document: Please refer to the attached document for detailed instructions.

Your prompt assistance in changing the Admin User would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support and consideration.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Important Notes

  • Ensure all details provided are accurate and complete before sending your request.
  • Use the appropriate email address:
  • Adhere to Qlik community guidelines when submitting requests.
  • If you are a Customer Domain Administrator and encounter difficulties, please refer to the attached document for detailed instructions on changing the Admin User in Talend Academy.
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