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How to Modify the QlikView Server Settings.ini file

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How to Modify the QlikView Server Settings.ini file

Last Update:

Nov 16, 2021 8:37:35 AM

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Created date:

Nov 21, 2018 12:51:40 PM

This article describes the necessary steps needed to modify the QlikView Server Settings.ini file

  1. Stop the QlikView Server (QVS) service on all QlikView Server nodes
  2. On one of the QVS nodes, open Notepad (or other text file editor such as Notepad++) as an Administrator
  3. Open the QVS Settings.ini file (by default, located in %ProgramData%\QlikTech\QlikViewServer\Settings.ini)
  4. Modify the Settings.ini file using this schema:
    [Settings 7]
  5. Ensure that the entry is entered under the [Settings 7] section and not under the [Authentication] section (if entered under [Authentication] section, the entry will not be read by the QVS)
  6. Note the blank line and the end of the file
  7. The file should look like this:

    settings ini.png

  8. The key and value will be provided by other knowledge articles of by a Qlik Support technical resource
  9. Save the file
  10. After these changes have been made on one of the QVS nodes, start the QVS service on each node.  When the QVS service starts, the change in the Settings.ini file will be propagated to all nodes


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Version history
Last update:
‎2021-11-16 08:37 AM
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