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How to use wildcards when creating exclusions on Antivirus products

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How to use wildcards when creating exclusions on Antivirus products

Last Update:

May 12, 2021 2:40:17 PM

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Created date:

May 12, 2021 2:38:24 PM


Qlik Sense Desktop 

#Any Qlik Product



This article explains the rules for using wildcards when creating exclusions using Antivirus for Qlik products.

Using wildcards when creating exclusions

Wildcards (?, *, **) are helpful in creating exclusions, but certain rules apply. See the examples below.

  • The question mark (?) wildcard is used to represent a single character in the exact position where it is placed in the path or file name.
  • The asterisk (*) wildcard is used to represent one or more characters, and does not cross a folder boundary.
  • The double asterisk (**) wildcard is used to represent one or more characters, and does cross folder boundaries.
  • System Environmental Variables such as %SystemRoot% can be used in exclusions. User Environmental Variables such as %UserProfile% can't be used, because the Antivirus scan runs under the Windows Local System account.

To show the difference between the * and ** wildcards, C:\Users\Will* matches path names such as C:\Users\William, C:\Users\Willamina, and C:\Users\WillAnderson. It does not match any subfolder of those names. For example C:\Users\Will*\** matches the previous folders and all their subfolders.


Wildcard syntax:



? (question mark)

A single character.

* (asterisk)

Multiple characters.


& (ampersand)

Multiple characters except / and \. Use to match the root-level contents of a folder but not any subfolders.



Wildcard examples




Exclude a specific file in a folder named Temp anywhere on the system.


Exclude a specific file anywhere on the system.


Exclude a specific file in any folder on a specific drive. The drive letter must be included in the wildcard.

In this example, any test.doc files on the D drive are excluded: D:\**\test.doc

Users\**\Documents\Microsoft User Data\ 

Exclude any folder under Users and any folder under User Data.

C:\Documents and Settings\**\Favorites\

Exclude the Favorites folder for all users.


Exclude any folder named Favorites on drive C.


Exclude the Temp folder in any location, on any drive and any subfolders contained in the "Temp" directory.

In this example, the following directories would be excluded:

  • C:\temp
  • D:\windows\temp\Folder1
  • c:\documents and settings\Administrator\Local Settings\temp


Exclude any file with a .tmp extension in a folder named Temp anywhere on the system.


Exclude any file with an .html extension anywhere on the system.


Excludes all files named inifileX, where X is any valid character for a file name. Exclude all files named inifileX in any folder name beginning with Temp under C:\Windows.


Exclude all files with the .tmp extension (*.tmp) in any folder on a specific drive. The drive letter must be included in the wildcard.

In this example, any *.tmp files on the D drive are excluded.


 or C:\Temp\abc*\

Exclude all file and folder names beginning with abc under C:\Temp.

NOTE: A single asterisk, independent of a backlash at the end, matches both file and folder names beginning with abc under C:\Temp.


Exclude only file names beginning with abc under C:\Temp.


Exclude only files of any extension in any folder name beginning with abc under C:\Temp.


Exclude only files names beginning with xyz and with the txt extension, in any folder name beginning with abc under C:\Temp.


Exclude only a file named abc under C:\Temp.


Exclude only a folder named abc under C:\Temp.

Version history
Last update:
‎2021-05-12 02:40 PM
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