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Qlik Enterprise Manager Analytics tab fails to open: SYS-E-JSERVNAVAIL, Java service 'AnalyticsCtlClient' not yet available

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Qlik Enterprise Manager Analytics tab fails to open: SYS-E-JSERVNAVAIL, Java service 'AnalyticsCtlClient' not yet available

Last Update:

Sep 29, 2023 8:42:11 AM

Updated By:


Created date:

Sep 29, 2023 8:42:11 AM

Opening the Qlik Enterprise Manager Analytics tab fails with the following error:

SYS-E-JSERVNAVAIL, Java service 'AnalyticsCtlClient' not yet available 
SYS,JAVA_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE,AnalyticsCtlClient(statusCode: 500

Reviewing the service log files indicates:

Failed to start jetty server. Failed to bind to /



A simple reboot of the server running the Qlik Enterprise Manager may resolve the issue. If the issue persists after a reboot, the process occupying port 3102 may need to be killed manually. 

  1. Open the Windows Services Console
  2. Stop the Qlik Enterprise Manager service
  3. Open a Windows Command line (as administrator)
  4. Run netstat to locate what is currently occupying port 3102:
          netstat -aon | findstr :3102
  5. Find the PID of the occupying process:
      tasklist | findstr PID
  6. Terminate the process occupying the port:
      taskkill /F /PID <PID>
  7. Run the command again to verify if the port is now free:
      netstat -aon | findstr :3102
  8. Monitor the port. If the process returns, investigate what program it is and uninstall/reconfigure it accordingly to not longer use the port the Qlik Enterprise Manager requires. 
  9. Start the Qlik Enterprise Manager Service


It's possible that this issue occurred during a Windows automatic update, which sometimes leaves the machine in a pending reboot state.






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Version history
Last update:
‎2023-09-29 08:42 AM
Updated by: