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Qlik NPrinting Designer does not start correctly or the templates are not editable

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Digital Support

Qlik NPrinting Designer does not start correctly or the templates are not editable

Last Update:

Dec 6, 2022 10:01:04 AM

Updated By:


Created date:

Jun 1, 2018 11:23:49 AM

Qlik NPrinting Designer is launched by clicking on the "Edit Report" button but it does not start.
Sometimes an error message is shown.

It is possible that NPrinting designer started but it is not possible to edit reports.

 Or you might get the error message:

Only a single instance of Qlik NPrinting Designer can run




Here are the steps to resolve the problem:

  1. Be sure that there are no other NPrinting Designer or Office instances running in the background before starting NPrinting Designer. You can verify if executables are already running by using the Windows Task Manager. If another instance is already up, terminate it and try again.

  2. Check that the NPrinting Designer application is running exactly the same version as NPrinting Server and NPrinting Engine. If not, unistall NPrinting designer and install the same version as the NPrinting Server.

  3. The NPrinting Designer application may be corrupted. Could you, please, uninstall and install it again?

  4. Go to the machine Display setting (right-click on the desktop and choose Display settings). Be sure that "Scale and Layout" is set to the recommended value (See Fig 1).

    Fig 1Fig 1

  5. Go to the NPrinting Designer installation folder, by default:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\NPrinting\Designer

  6. Right-click on NPrintingDesigner.exe
  7. Choose Properties
  8. Select "Compatibility" in the ribbon bar of the window that opens (see Fig 2).

    Fig 2Fig 2

    Ensure that:

    1. The compatibility mode is set to the OS you are using
    2. "Override high DPI scaling ... " option is flagged
    3. "Run this program as Administrator" option is flagged




Labels (1)
Contributor II
Contributor II

Hi everyone,


I am trying to download  N printing designer but after installation when i will try to open that 

Nprinting Designer cannot be run as a standalone program

getting this type of error

Digital Support
Digital Support

Hello @AnkitaC 

Have you followed the instructions as outlined in this article?

If so, please post about your issue directly in our Qlik NPrinting forums to make use of our active agents and customers.

All the best,

Version history
Last update:
‎2022-12-06 10:01 AM
Updated by: