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Qlik Replicate: Explaining MS-CDC limitation

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Qlik Replicate: Explaining MS-CDC limitation

Last Update:

Sep 9, 2024 7:34:52 AM

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Created date:

Sep 9, 2024 7:34:52 AM

Existing limitations of Microsoft SQL Server (MS-CDC) as a source for Qlik Replicate are documented in MS-CDC Limitations and considerations (

This article aims to provide additional context to some of the listed limitations.

Question: The AR_H_USER header column is not supported (link). Does it mean all AR_H_USER headers can not be used when using MS-CDC for replication?

Answer: AR_H_USER is a header, the limitation means this header is not available to be used in the target table when Using MS-CDC for replication.

Question: MS-CDC Change Tables with fixed size columns (including NCHAR and CHAR data), the sum of which exceeds 8060 bytes, are not supported. (link) Are varchar(max) columns included in this limitation?

Answer: Varchar(max) columns are not included in the 8060bytes limitation for fixed-size columns.

Question: RENAME TABLE will not be captured and Table-level DDLs are not supported. (link) Does it mean when Qlik Replicate receives DDL changes it will work for the first DDL statement and the task will stop and we have to rename the CT table manually?

Answer: All DDL changes including RENAME TABLE, alter column, etc. are not supported. The table will be suspended. The quickest workaround is to disable MS-CDC on the table, drop the CT table and re-enable MS-CDC. If you need to keep the ct table history, the other workaround is to manually fix ct table to reflect the DDL changes.


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  • Qlik Replicate
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Contributor III
Contributor III

Team, Could you please advice if MS-CDC woks for Qlik replication for system versioned tables in sql server. 

When we enable ms-CDC on these tables, the tables are getting suspended mentioned that CT table and base table metadata is not in sync

The metadata for source table 'schema.table_name' is different than the corresponding MS-CDC Change Table. The table will be suspended.

Source endpoint : Microsoft Azure SQL (MS-CDC)

I could a limitation , is it for temporal tables as well 

  • Temporal databases are not supported



Version history
Last update:
‎2024-09-09 07:34 AM
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