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Qlik Replicate and Microsoft Azure SQL (MS-CDC) source endpoint: Database is not enabled for MS-CDC

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Qlik Replicate and Microsoft Azure SQL (MS-CDC) source endpoint: Database is not enabled for MS-CDC

Last Update:

Oct 31, 2024 7:12:18 PM

Updated By:


Created date:

Oct 31, 2024 10:42:26 AM

While accessing Microsoft Azure SQL (MS-CDC) as the source database, the task reports an error message during the task startup.

The messages in the task log file:

[SOURCE_CAPTURE  ]V:  Execute: 'select is_cdc_enabled from sys.databases d where d.database_id=db_id()'  (ar_odbc_stmt.c:2768)
[SOURCE_CAPTURE  ]E:  MS-CDC Fitness Check: Database is not enabled for MS-CDC [1020101]  (sqlserver_mscdc.c:727)
[SOURCE_CAPTURE  ]E:  Failed in MS-CDC fitness check [1020101]  (sqlserver_endpoint_capture.c:274)

The error occurs even if the DBA has correctly set up the database for MS-CDC by executing the following:

exec source_db_name.dbo.sp_cdc_enable_db


  • Qlik Replicate, all versions
  • Microsoft Azure SQL source, all versions



Add an internal parameter to adjust task behavior:

  1. Open the Microsoft Azure SQL (MS-CDC) source endpoint
  2. Go to the Advanced tab
  3. Open Internal Parameters
  4. Add a new parameter named UseDBNameInsteadOfDBID, and enable it by ticking the checkbox: 



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