Executing the Qlik Migration Tools leads to the following error on line 185 of 7_migrateapps.ps1:
Error: operation unsupported for server-type "cloud" (Qlik Cloud). Supported server-types are: ["windows"]
qlik context use $QlikWindowsContext | out-null
qlik qrs app export create $appid --skipdata $SS --exportScope all --output-file $exportAppFile
Verify you have followed the required step-by-step configuration documented in Using qlik-cli with Qlik Sense Enterprise client-managed Repository API (QRS).
Specifically, do not forget to execute this cmd to add the Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows server to qlik-cli. See Configure a context in qlik-cli for details.
##qlik context create QSEoW --server <server name> --server-type windows --api-key <JWT Token>
Possible causes:
- failed to specify --server-type windows
- executed the cmd against Qlik Cloud, not Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows
Lines 184 and 185 test the connection as documented in Qlik-CLI: Test the connection and point to a misconfiguration of the context.
- Qlik Cloud
- Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows