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Story Export PDF or PowerPoint Does Not Match What is Shown on Screen

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Story Export PDF or PowerPoint Does Not Match What is Shown on Screen

Last Update:

May 10, 2022 3:23:50 PM

Updated By:


Created date:

Jun 6, 2017 12:22:29 AM

The output of a user-created story with snapshots is different when exported than on screen. The exported PDF or PowerPoint output is either displaying additional columns or missing columns.

Trying to change the printing options (1) Fit to page and (2) Keep current size does not make any difference. Even trying to change the Page Orientation and Page margin was not successful either.


The cause are described below:

Storytelling behavior: Once the snapshot is put into a story and then resized, the content of the snapshot is not rendered again, responsiveness doesn’t happen. Sense performs only a resize.
SensePrinting behavior: SensePrinting doesn’t take a screenshot of what is present in the story but it renders the visualization again using the client JS and considering the new size, not the original one which is not available.



The PDF documents are generated using the following properties:

  • Margins: 1cm
  •  Alignment: Top - Left

Those said properties are fixed from the code, thus changing the margin on the printing property will not take into effect.

List of unsupported objects:

  • Animations Effects
  • Picasso native objects
  • Any third party extension that does not fulfil the official guidelines
  • Filter panes
  • Menu bar
  • Sheet titles
  • <<data last loaded information>> footer (embedded sheets)
  • Chart with negative or zero values (they are not printable by design)
  • Embedded sheets which are no longer linked to the original sheet

This means, if the report has those above mentioned unsupported objects, these objects will not be included and will show as a blank or empty section on the position where the unsupported object was located.

It is important to note when doing a snapshot of visualization then use it into a story then resize it, the exported story as PDF or PowerPoint the result:

  • May have different data (less or more bars/bullets/rows/columns)
  • May have a difference in the look and feel (example Mini chart appears/disappears, legend changes position)

At the moment this is how Sense and SensePrinting are designed, there's no way to guarantee that the final result will look identical to what it appears on the Sense UI.

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Version history
Last update:
‎2022-05-10 03:23 PM
Updated by: