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Worry Free Installation of Qlik Sense Enterprise

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Worry Free Installation of Qlik Sense Enterprise

Last Update:

May 6, 2021 2:57:24 PM

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Created date:

Mar 22, 2019 7:13:34 AM

In this webinar we will discuss:
- Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows, deployment scenario
- Configuration best practices
- Important settings

Note: For information on deployment of newer product releases, see Deploying Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows.




Q&A - Worry Free Installation of Qlik Sense Enterprise

Q: It states not recommended to have share on same as node. VM site, SAN mapping a C and D drive to SAN, with C installation and the D drive shared. Is this still not recommended?
A: You should have a separate server for the fileshare for a multi node deployment. That is also to load balance the network traffic and TCP connections to your nodes. You can have on a single node your shared folder on D with your setup. SAN is supported.
Q: Is there a recommended "best practice" approach for a separate dev/test/prod server instance?
A: In this case 3 server cluster
Q: I am trying to install Qlik Sense February 2019 on windows server 2012 r2. So, I faced an error that server dispatcher installation failed. How to solve this error?
A: Open the logs in the %temp% folder, check for the ServiceDispatcher logs. It could be fileshare/database/powershell/user related. If you don’t see anything with value 3 you need to contact Qlik support and attach your log installation files.
Q: Is it possible to install Qlik sense and NPrinting in the same machine?
A: No that is not a supported scenario. In worst case you overwrite the Sense CA certificates while entering.
Q: If we are upgrading then we need to import the extensions from the QMC or we can just simply copy and paste the extensions in Extensions folder?
A: When you upgrade the extensions will stay linked in the DB, you do not need to reimport them, but you might have to adjust them to make them work with the new installation.
Q: Hi, can we get dashboard bundles with silent installation?
A: No right now there is no option for that. We have brought this to the attention via feature request to R&D and hope for an improvement.
Q: When we will be able to connect MySql DB to Qlik Cloud business directly?
A: I will reach out to product management, the current cloud options are limited, but there are some new things coming.

Q: Good day Sebastian, I'd like to know the needed network requirements to enable users from Domain B to use an already up-and-running Qlik Sense Server installation on Domain A. That includes being able to access an Oracle database running on Domain B, all from Domain A.
A: Sense users can be synced from more than one domain, as long as you have domain trust between the system.
Q: I will do a Qlik Sense v.3.2 SR 2 to February 2019 upgrade tomorrow. Any known issues I should know about?
A: If you upgrade from 3.2 SR2 to February 2019 directly there are many things which can go wrong, please contact support before you start. You need to do a few steps in-between.
Q: What kind of issue could occur if not using the .NET framework version 4.7.2?
A: e.g. QlikSenseUtil will not start. So, you can't change connection stings for the Repository Service.
Q: Some time ago there were a problem with the special characters in passwords for repository (both main and logging).  is it solved?
A: Yes, more robust, but I would still not use an @ in the password
Q: A lot of my clients have IIS services on their server they want to use. This uses 443 standard and cannot be changed. Is there a way to avoid the standard 443 or 80 ports?
A: Yes, there is, just not under the installation. 80 is disabled by default and can be changed in the system once spun up. You can have 443 changed to another port, just disable IIS on that port during the install.
Q: We just upgraded to Nov 18 Patch 3 release and we created a new QLogs database (standalone) right before. Where can I turn on centralized logging? During upgrade process there was no option to enter the QLogs details.
A: On the help you will find the additional steps to enable Qlogs, after adding the DB.
And also
Q: Does configuring centralized logging prevent single-node logs written to the file system?
A: No, it will log to both by default.
Q: How do we install Qlik Sense February 2019 with a remotely managed database and we can't change user rights?
A: Please contact support for help. There are some issues with Azure standalone Postgres DB instances in the February 2019 release, Support can offer a workaround.
Q: Hi, I've been trying to install Sense Desktop (only) on my laptop. It's saying the install was successful, but I can't see it I the installed programs in control panel. Do you have any suggestions please?
A: Qlik Sense Desktop is a per user installation only rather then per machine. Try to see if the files are on disk: (replace username with your userId form windows)
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Qlik Sense\ Qlik Sense Desktop.lnk
If you do not see them, please contact support.
Q: We tried to install it with a remotely managed database and the installation failed.
A: Please send us the installation logs so we can have a look.
Q: How to disable usage of port 4244 in dialog box “Edit proxy” for Authentication listen port? Just make it empty? What is impact on Monitoring apps or others? (Current Qlik Sense version is November 2018)
A: You can’t do that, you still need Windows authentication to work for Sense to validate the users on the system. Your Monitoring apps would stop reloading if you block it.
Q: I configured the file share in the same node of the central node. It is ok?
A: Yes, that is fine as long as you have a small deployment. Beyond 2 nodes you should move to a separate fileserver.
Q: Is what you talked about a brand-new installation?  we have Nov 2018 installed so we just need to do an upgrade?
A: This was a new installation, and update has nearly the same but a few steps less. You would just have to do an upgrade from November 2018 to February 2019. Sometimes the Patches can’t be deinstalled automatically, then make sure to deinstall e.g. Nov 2018 Patch 1 first before upgrading.
Q: If we update Qlik Sense from Previous version and we have several Nodes - should we update Central first and Rim then? What will be the process of upgrade?
A: First you stop all the nodes, in the order all Rim, then Central node last. After that you would first upgrade the Central node, and then all the Rim nodes.
Q: How many engine nodes a central node can take?
A: You will only have one Engine service per node, but you can as much rim nodes as you want into the deployment. That is only limited by your license or the database performance.
Q: What license model is required for Multicloud?
A: Signed license model, which was introduced in the February 2019 release.
Q: Why do I need a shared folder for Sense?
A: The binary files for your apps and extensions for all the nodes are stored on this file share.
Watch the video here for more information
Q: Are there Docker install files for Qlik Sense Enterprise?
A: Not for Qlik Sense Enterprise, but for the Multicloud instances. Please reach out to your Account manager to get more information.
Q: How will antivirus program block our installation?
A: The installer has e.g. PowerShell scripts inside and they are running from %appdata%\local\temp which might be blocked and as a result the installation fails.
If you have installed Sense successfully then you need to add the following exceptions, please review: and for more details
Q: After an upgrade, my monitoring apps are no longer working.  Is there a reason this has happened?
A: There can be many reasons, please contact support. Review:
Q: Could you please explain the shortly the port of the local dB of 4432 vs 5432
A: 4432 is the standard port for the database in Qlik Sense when using the inbuild database. If you have a standalone Postgres installation the standard port is 5432. Both ports will work with a Sense installation.
Q: General recommendation when is time to upscale QS?
A: When your users start complaining about performance, or you see that the engine need time to calculate heavy requests. Those are just two, but there is no general recommendation, like to it from 100 users onwards. That depends on your needs and your user’s behavior. Give us a call and we can set you up with the right person to discuss this further.
Q: Could you migrate directly from the November 2017 version to Feb 2019 one?
A: Yes, you can.
Q: Why, when the installer asks me to look at the log, why is there no link to the log?
A: The blue text usually brings you to the logs. If you do not see that one, please open %temp% and you should see them there.
Q: Upgrading Question. Integral reference problem when the repository service starts. Where to start checking? Thanks!
A: A good start point is Windows Event logs and C:\programdata\qlik\sense\log\repository\trace\Servername_system_repository.log
They should give you a hint, then just check our knowledgebase or contact us at the support, we are happy to help you out further.
Q: Can we update from the November release to the newest February release without a lot of problems?
A: Yes, November 2018 to February 2019 is not connected with a lot of problems.
Q: We are thinking about cloud deployment. To make it fully elastic, probably it is best to give each of our customer own dedicated environment. for example, we have 20 customers. is it possible to have 20 independent environments, but only 1 QMC?
A: That is the idea, but there could be an issue with the licensing in your model. Please contact the Account Manager for more details.
Q: Do I need to uninstall the antivirus during installation?
A: No just pause it, no need to uninstall.
Q: On which AD group should we put the users?
A: Prior to the installation in the Local Computer\Administrators group. The installer will add it in
“Qlik Sense Service Users” and “Performance Monitor Users”.
How to specify superuser password in a silent installation. (doesn't appear in spc.cfg xml file..)
Qlik_Sense_setup.exe [-silent] … {dbpassword="password}…
Just with the Setup.exe as a parameter.

dbpassword [password] Password for the database superuser that creates the user that runs the database.

Q: Do we need a fresh installation of Qlik Sense Enterprise if we are migrating from one Qlik Sense server to another. My client is currently using services from External IT provider. Now Client wants to have QS enterprise back on premises. What to keep in mind doing this task.
A: Yes, you would do a fresh installation, and then import the DB of your old installation. For this you need to install the same version on the target system as you have on the source system.
Q: Can the file share be running on a Linux server? What kind of configuration would imply from the Windows server and Qlik Sense side?
A: Yes, we support it as long as your server can handle SMB 3.0, but not all distributions might work the same. As also not all NAS vendors are working. I was mistaken about this point in my presentation. The support was added for Sense, just not for QlikView.
See more information here:

  • A non-Windows device such as a Linux server or hardware NAS device that supports SMB 3.0.

Note: Qlik cannot verify support for all storage vendors, and recommends that customers test their preferred infrastructure. In the event of an issue arising that is attributed to storage, Qlik Support may request that customers replicate the issue on a Windows hosted file share.
 For implementation advice which fits your needs please reach out to your Account owner or Qlik consulting services.
Q: Fileshare can be in the same central node?
A: Yes, that is possible, but if you get beyond a two-node deployment it will makes sense to separate the fileshare, not to have much traffic on the central node.
Q: Can you repeat how access and read logs stored in log-database?
A: You have 3 tables in the Qlogs database

the table "log_entries" contain following columns for the logs:
example line:
"1","2019-03-18 14:52:25.973511+01","INFO","11","Service.Proxy.Qlik.Sense.Common.Monitoring.HardwareInfo","QlikServer1","proxy",1760,"{""Description"":""Command=Start proxy;Result=0;ResultText=Success"",""ProxySessionId"":""0"",""ProxyPackageId"":""0"",""RequestSequenceId"":""0"",""UserDirectory"":""INTERNAL"",""UserId"":""System"",""ObjectId"":""0"",""ObjectName"":""Not available"",""Service"":""Proxy"",""Origin"":""Not available"",""Context"":""Not available"",""Command"":""Start proxy"",""Result"":""0"",""Message"":""Disk C:\\: Volume label: , Free space: 32221552640 bytes(30.01 GB(s)), Total disk space: 53160701952 bytes (49.51 GB(s)), File system: NTFS""}"

archive is used when cleaning the log database, the deleted entries will be stored defined amount of time and then getting cleaned out as well.
 Q:  Is advisable allocate Qlik Sense Server in DMZ? Why Y/N.
 A: All nodes in a site, including nodes without an engine, require access to both the database and file share. In demilitarized zone (DMZ) deployments this may require opening additional ports, or you would have to add the DB and fileshare in the DMZ as well. 

Labels (2)
Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

Hi can you please let me know if I can upgrade qlik sense August 2021 to February 2023 .Thank you

Digital Support
Digital Support

Hello @saso70 

You can upgrade from August 2021 to February 2023.

Though since you'd be moving ahead a few years, here are a few things to take into account:

  1. Upgrade your test environment first and perform a thorough user acceptance test (such as verifying your apps behave as expected, your customizations are still compatible, etc)
  2. Carefully read the Release Notes and System Requirements for the version you will upgrade to. An example here is: February 2023 does not support PostgreSQL 9.6 for production purposes. You will need to upgrade PostgreSQL after you have upgraded to February 2023.

Links you may find useful:

Upgrading Qlik Sense Enterprise on Windows 
System requirements for Qlik Sense Enterprise (Feb 2023) 
Upgrading Qlik Sense Repository Database from PostgreSQL 9.6 to 12.5 using the Qlik PostgreSQL Insta... 

All the best,

Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

Thank you for the answer, you are the best . Do you know how much  time I will need for the installation ?

Digital Support
Digital Support

Hello @saso70 

Always happy to help! 😄

And that one is difficult to answer since it depends on your environment (single node? multi node?). I do not have a lot of customer examples that I can refer to here, only my individual tests. When I upgrade Sense + the PostgreDB after, it usually takes me a little over an hour (with prep time), but that's with pretty much empty DBs and only on a single node.

All the best,

Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II

Thank you


Hi everyone,

I started a new Intro Series in Qlik Cloud that shows how to create a 30 days free Qlik Cloud Account and how to install and authenticate Qlik Sense Desktop:


Mark Costa

Version history
Last update:
‎2021-05-06 02:57 PM
Updated by: