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m_Sock.Receive.Receive throws zero - QlikView server unavailable or connection is tunneling

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m_Sock.Receive.Receive throws zero - QlikView server unavailable or connection is tunneling

Last Update:

Mar 4, 2022 10:00:52 AM

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Created date:

Feb 18, 2013 8:10:35 AM

QlikView Server becomes unreachable, sometimes intermittently. QlikView WebServer is unable to connect.

The QlikView Plugin and Desktop client may be seen tunnelling. 

All or some of the following message are logged in the QlikView WebServer log: 

Request failed: An operation was attempted on a nonexistent network connection
1 Response aborted, path=/IPC$
Failed to send response: The specified network name is no longer available
Request failed: m_Sock.Receive throws zero




The main failing point here is that the DNS communication is failing, meaning that the QVS can reach out but the other services cannot reach the QVS. This can be helped by making sure there is a properly configured DNS infrastructure along with SearchSuffixes correctly set for all client and server computers within the internal domain infrastructure.




  1. Verify or otherwise remove the current LinkMachineName in the QlikView Server configuration. 
  2. Investigate a possible name resolution or DNS issue in the network
  3. Look into high network latency or packet loss between the WebServer component and QlikView Server component

Error message explanation: 

An operation was attempted on a nonexistent network connection - An attempt at connecting to a remote connection that previously worked, but no longer exist anymore.
IPC$ - The Inter-Process Communication (IPC) share, or ipc$, is a network share on computers running Microsoft Windows. This virtual share is used to facilitate communication between processes and computers over SMB, often to exchange data between computers that have been authenticated.
Response aborted, path=/IPC$ - Means that the response was terminated waiting for communication from other processes.
Failed to send response: The specified network name is no longer available - The Windows error "The specified network name is no longer available" when referencing the target file is usually associated with a DNS or WINS error. This means that a server, such as the QlikView Server could send something out, but when trying to send a response, such as a confirmation it fails, due to the failure of "finding" the QlikView Server again.
Request failed: m_Sock. Receive throws zero - The “m_Sock.Receive throws zero” usually means that the socket receives zero bytes when trying to communicating, meaning that it expects to receive data.

Most often caused by a service communication issue and a server name/DNS issues (as WINS is becoming less and less used). The recommendation here is to make sure that LinkMachineName is properly configured.
If this doesn't work, try connecting towards the QVS with FQDN or last resort IP addresses.

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Version history
Last update:
‎2022-03-04 10:00 AM
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