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Hi everyone,
I always get this error in my script: does anyone know what this means?
Error: Connector reply error: SQL##f - SqlState: S1008, ErrorCode: 1090, ErrorMsg: [Simba][Athena] (1090) Cancel the query:...
Hello @EmmeDR
Thanks for reaching out to Qlik via Qlik Community Support page. Request you to please Share more information about your Setup QR version and involved endpoints,
Above error indicate that recommend odbc drive is not installed request you to refer Qlik Help doc.
Sushil Kumar
Hello @EmmeDR ,
Thanks for reaching out to Qlik community portal.
It appears that the query execution was canceled. This can happen for various reasons such as a manual cancellation by a user, a timeout, or a resource limit being reached.
Error: Connector reply error: SQL##f - SqlState: XX000 is related to either disk full or memory allocation issues.
Please provide us more detailed/elaborated explanation/information in order to investigate it further, How and where you get this error.
Sachin B