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Contributor II
Contributor II

NP17 Conditional Task: Don’t send email if no data?


So, I’m new to posting since this forum already has so much useful content! This time I'm comping up empty, though...

I'm using NPrinting to send simple email with Excel report to about 30 people when they have outstanding assignments (based on data in QlikView). I’m using a single task to distribute the emails with filters at the user level so each individual only sees their own assignments. So far so good.

The issue arises when a user has no outstanding assignments. In this case, the chart of assignments is, naturally, blank. I’ve created a condition with the rule “Chart CH01 has values” so these users won't get the reminder email.

Within the given Publish Task in NPrinting, I see two ways to apply conditions:

  1. Apply condition to the report, and
  2. Apply condition to the task.

If I apply the condition to the report, then the Excel report is only generated when the user has assignments to complete, but the email is still sent whether or not there is an associated report.

If I apply the condition to the task, then the condition appears to only be checked once without considering the user-level filters.

Below are some of the combinations I've tried and the results:

Condition: CH01 Has Data. This should be True if anyone has assignments (for column "Any?") or if the given user has assignments (column "User filter?").

Assignment statusConditionsResults
Any?User filter?Report ConditionTask ConditionEmail sent?Report attached?Notes
TrueTrueTrue TrueYesYesHas assignments, gets email; good
TrueFalseTrueTrueYesNoNo assignments but gets email without report; bad
TrueTrueTrueFalseNoN/ATask level condition works - no email sent
TrueTrue FalseTrueYesNoReport level condition works - no report attached
TrueFalseTrueFalseNoN/ATask level condition does not respect user filter

Is there a way to apply conditions after user-level filters so that emails are only sent if the conditions are met? I don't want to generate separate tasks for each user!

NPrinting Version:



35 Replies
Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II




 February 2019 Preview Release:

  1. Stop the Qlik NPrinting scheduler service.

  2. Open the scheduler.config configuration file.

    The default location is: \Program Files\NPrintingServer\NPrinting\Scheduler\

  3. Find this string: <add key="disable-failure-email-sending" />
  4. Uncomment this string.
  5. Save the file.
  6. Restart the Qlik NPrinting scheduler service.
Former Employee
Former Employee

Correct. Feb 2019 release will have an override to disable notifications being sent to the recipients of a publish task when the task execution fails. 

Contributor III
Contributor III

I have tried to find the string: <add key="disable-failure-email-sending" /> in the "scheduler.config" configuration file, which apparently appears only from Feb19 version.

February 19 Release will solve the failures/warns I have on tasks?


Failed generation of report ---e9d------ for user ---e3ce-4814------. ERROR: Cannot apply filter Filters: [Fields: [Name: F\Manager Filter, ConnectionId: ------4947-9616---, Values: [String:Manager Name], Override: False, Void: False], Void: False], Bookmark: , Void: False to current document data. Requested fields with evaluates are:


WARN: error during report generation: Invalid selections are applied to chart O\Document\CH100: Filters: [Fields: [Name: F\FinalTamchirFY, ConnectionId: ----8cbc-4-47-9-6-1--c6, Values: [String:Y], Override: False, Void: False, Name: F\Manager Filter, ConnectionId: --0-8cbc-4947-9-6-1b6---cc6, Values: [String:Manager Name], Override: False, Void: False], Void: False], Bookmark: , Void: False



Contributor II
Contributor II


i also need solution for this problem,

imy setting looks like: (in the file attached)

and there is a Warning in the task:
Failed generation of report 66fe7aa2-3fee-461d-91ac-1887d1c9b9ec for user 68900ae4-44d9-4dfe-b7da-8e1c945aec3a. ERROR: Cannot apply filter Filters: [Fields: [Name: F\מספר אתר מדווח שקילה, ConnectionId: d96b039d-8cf7-4f04-949d-f9c558535ab3, Values: [Numeric:149178], Override: False, Void: False, Name: F\תקינות דיווח, ConnectionId: d96b039d-8cf7-4f04-949d-f9c558535ab3, Values: [String:שגוי], Override: False, Void: False], Void: False], Bookmark: , Void: False to current document data. Requested fields with evaluates are:

and i got bad mail with varibles like:


what can i do?

thanks !

Former Employee
Former Employee

Two issues:   1)  the filter seems to be invalid .  You need to isolate the user/filter combination and test the combination to ensure it works.    2) as for the email settings , that recipient should not have received this report .   Here is the help topic 



If you are not getting this result submit the issue to customer support.   I would first make a brand new task with this one recipient and this one report.  Test with and without the filter. Change the email to send to yourself first so you can test. Don't use any email variables initially. Once/if you get it working with just the user/report/filter then add the variables.  Slowly reconstruct the same task to find where it breaks .  THis information will be valuable to qlik customer support

 Did the email contain the report