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Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

A Task was Cancelled - NPrinting


While opening the NPrinting Designer or click Preview, Its show "A Task was Cancelled" after sometimes.

Can anyone tell what is the problem?

Muthukumar Pandiyan
Labels (2)
7 Replies


Could you add some details, screenshots and log files? Your question is not clear to me. 

Best Regards,


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Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

PFA of Error details

Im trying to open Nprinting Designer,

Nprinting - Open NPrinting Designer.png









Im getting a error,



Muthukumar Pandiyan


This is a know limitation documented in the official release notes of your version. You can download the release notes from the same web site where you download the setups.

Too many users and filters leads to Qlik NPrinting Designer errors

Qlik NPrinting Designer may be unable to open a report template if there are too many filters associated with a connection in the report's app. The following error message displays: “A task was canceled”.
This typically happens when more than 4000 filters are using fields from a connection. Sometimes, higher numbers can work. For example, 7000 filters have worked in some situations.

The workarounds are:

  • Split the Qlik NPrinting app into separate apps.
  • Split the connections (possibly by using multiple connections to the same documents in different apps).
  • Split the filters across apps (so that the filter count per app is lower).

Best Regards,


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Partner - Contributor
Partner - Contributor

Hi @Ruggero_Piccoli.

Thanks for your answer.

I'd like to share how I approached a similar issue.

I was able to open the template editor, but when I tried to save changes or generate a preview, the error message "A task was cancelled" appeared.

In this case, the connections didn't have too many filters (< 200), but too many available objects (> 3900).

The workaround was quite simple, step by step:

  1. Figure out which objects you don't use in your reports
  2. Go to QV or QS and remove them from the source document (QV/QS app)
  3. Reload connections cache
  4. Try to edit or preview again.

Best regards,



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi @LeandroCapela, thanks for sharing that this can be also a reason for this error. I guess we never knew it could be a reason as I would find difficult to built a template which would require so many objects and I only add to my template objects i need.

as a good practice you should only keep in your template objects you use otherwise you will run into issues and troubles in the future when some of those not used objects will be deleted from source apps etc... 

thanks for sharing


cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Partner - Contributor
Partner - Contributor

@Lech_Miszkiewicz thanks for the tip.

Actually, the 3900+ objects were available in the source documents, but only ~20% were required.

In this case, undoubtedly the best practice is to be aware of the requirements from the beginning and e.g. create a QVW/QVF exclusively for NPrinting.

However, if someone face the same situation I found in an inherited structure, there's a way to fix.



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

right... this is different story then... I can easily imagine document with more than 3900 objects (especially with QlikView), and yes, your suggestion to have dedicated document is a way to go!



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