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Customize PixelPerfect report per recipient

I have a PixelPerfect report generating PDFs for two recipients. Here's a snippet of the template:


If recipient A wants the "Diabetes" section to show different fields from what recipient B gets (for example, replace [CGM User] with [Diabetes Education], what are my options? The only solution I can think of: put [Diabetes Education] on top of [CGM User] and use a Formatting Rule to show/hide based on the recipient ID. But that would get ugly quickly.

I don't have capacity to maintain two versions of the template. (I assume I would have to make any global updates to both versions; there isn't a way to use a template as the template for another template, is there?)

Thanks for any tips.

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3 Replies

@Lauri no there is no way to use a template as the template for another template, so other then maintaining 2 separate templates I'm not sure of a solution, @Ruggero_Piccoli do you have any other thoughts on this?

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi @Lauri 

you used one key word in your problem description - that word is TEMPLATE.... and you are correct, that can get ugly quickly but only if you have multiple variations of that report. AS you said NPrinting is a tool which is based on the templates so the solutions we can put in place must be standardised to some extent. You cannot really have fully flexible template as it will not be a template anymore - right? 

In my opinion it is still possible to have single report and have multiple versions of say Diabetes section and control visibility of the whole section based on user filter.  That was discussed on community many times and here is a link of some old (NPrinting 16) but detailed explanation - principles are the same with the current version:

now you say: there isn't a way to use a template as the template for another template, is there? - well think outside the box - you can always export report and import/replace report - that effectively does the same thing, right?

Link talks about moving reports between environments but the same applies to single environment and can be used to duplicate report. 

cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.


You could do 2 things:

1) create the first template, export it, import it as another new template, and modify it to meet the needs of the second user. Pro: you can fully customize each report. Cons: you have to manage 2 different templates, similar but they are two. Qlik NPrinting does not have a built-in feature to clone a template. 

2) use the formatting rules linked by @Lech_Miszkiewicz Pro: one single template with content that varies based on the user's filters. Cons: you will have empty rows in the generated report for the user that has some fields disabled. Accepting this is a choice. 

Best Regards,


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