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Days To Keep & Reports To Keep

Hello community.

I need someone to clarify me on N Printing publish tasks.

the following scenario from help


  • One task with one report run manually multiple times in a day (doesn’t matter the cadence in the day).
  • Days to keep is set to 2.
  • Reports to keep is set to 50.

Example 1:

Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4
Produced reports in the day30302010
Total reports in NewsStand30607060
Deleted reports001020
Explanation Older 10 reports produced in Day 1 are deleted becausetotal exceeds 50.Older 20 reports produced in Day 1 deleted because total exceeds 50.

Now on the second day we have 60 total reports on the newsstand which is exceeding the reports to keep limit,

does it wait till the next day midnight  to delete the extra reports (Days to keep plus one)?

if so then, can someone explain the below quote from Qlik help


  • Every 30 minutes a check process verifies if there are reports to be deleted and in that case, removes them.


check below for reference:

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