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Defect acknowledgement with Nprinting Engine May 2022 SR2, please READ HERE
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Contributor III
Contributor III

I want a value to be painted in a color if it has a condition Nprinting

I want a value to be painted in a color if it has a condition, said value is generated from a variable captured from QlikSense, but I can't get how to do it in Nprinting since they always refer me to the same example of Nprinting conditionals that doesn't work for me with variables.

5 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

HI Richard

1. Out of 43 versions you have chosen which is the one you are using - answer  to your question depends on the version? Keep in mind that all version 16  and practically everything prior sep 2020 is no longer supported .

2. which template are you using - depending on template there is different method and different answer

3. share screenshots of what you are doing so we can understand where possibly you make a mistake


Once we get this basic information from you we can take it further. Thanks

cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Contributor III
Contributor III

The version I am using of Nprinting is Version:,
Qlik NPrinting September 2020, I can't find the Pixel Perfect version.
I'm not using any template, I'm working on Pixel Perfect but I'm trying to create a template or structure.

I don't know how to place in the condition a variable or the field which I want to evaluate that is different from the Field Levels section.

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP


  1. your version NPrinting will be out of support this month - think about upgrade
  2. naming - in NPrinting we are using Excel, Word, PowerPoint, HTML, Entity and PixelPerfect templates so the one you are working on is PixelPerfect indeed. Just to speed things up in the future please always provide such info
  3. regarding providing info on how to replicate your issue try to invest time to present your problem somehow similar to steps i provided here:
  4. Now down to your problem: 
    1. Have you studied whole pixel perfect section of the help document? It explains in details how to apply conditions
    2. The same help document states that fields used in condition must be present within the level /detailed report section of your template you want to format or condition will not be evaluated
      1. From screenshots you have provided i cannot see on which cells and in which part of the template you are trying to apply this condition hence cannot comment whether you are doing it right or not
      2. your expression should return logical True(), however I always used syntax presented in the video i put the link below to achieve that
    3. Here is short tutorial how to write such conditions:
  5. here is similar topic on community where we touch on the subject and provide some more details. It also provides you with the hint what other factors can prevent condition from working: 
  6. Other ideas:
    1. are your ccCY1 and ccCY2 returning numerical values?
    2. are there any formats applied to those in Qlik Sense?
    3. Have you tried setting logical flag 1 or 0 directly in Qlik Sense and use that in your condition to verify that problem is not in number interpretation?
    4. screenshots of your template which would show how you nest particular sections of PixelPerfect template would help us understand if the condition can work at all or not.

Let us know how you go and good luck

cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Contributor III
Contributor III

I have reviewed everything you tell me but I think my problem comes from the fact that the condition that I need to evaluate comes from a variable that is taken from Qlik Sense, so here the big question arises, Is it not possible to generate a condition from a variable or from a field of a table.

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi Richard,

Correct - using separate variable will not work as variable is not a object member you are trying to format (as you can see you are declaring object membership when creating condition):


NExt thing to remember is to actually include all fields from your condition in detail section of the template. If field is not used you can make it invisible as mentioned in my other post I have given you links to previously. So in your case there is nothing stopping you to do the same test directly in QlikView or Qlik Sense (whatever you are using) and populate your variable as a column so it can flow through to the NPrinting level used as data for condition check- right? Well-I agree that you may argue that reusability of variable in such case becomes redundant and I agree to some extent but I always stress that with NPrinting planning and designing properly Qlik application is 80-90% of prep work so that NPrinting becomes then just drag & drop and configure task. 

hope this helps



cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.